The Revolutionary Black Panther Party (RBPP) who we are and what we are about.
The RBPP is the same Black Panther Party of the 1960s just updated today to deal with todays standard of war, warfare and struggle waged against the people.
Today our overall mission, ideology, platform and philosophy is what RBPP, Chief, Dr. Alli Muhammad MD, coins as Low-End Collectivism which is us Feeding, Clothing, Sheltering, Training and Defending the People and Community in order to bring into existence, what he coins as High-End Collectivism which is the people self-sufficiency with unlimited resources doing for self.
We are Scientific Socialist, Revolutionary Socialist, Marxist and African-Centered Marxist-Leninist (Allist).
At The Revolutionary Black Panther Party, our mission is to provide essential services and support to individuals and families in need. We strive to empower those we serve to achieve self-sufficiency and improve their overall quality of life.
THE SELECT FEW - The Dignified, The Revolutionary Black Panther Party
Founder of the Revolutionary Black Panther Party (RBPP). Dr. Alli Muhammad.
"Growing up a panther, there are things ingrained in you, there is something that a panther cub, is born with that makes he or she different than the average person. Especially if cultivated by revolutionary parents, who develop you into your being which then cultivates you into the man or woman, you will be, and at that juncture, no longer just a cub, but fully grown and ready for the world and purposes at hand...".
The RBPP was never designed to be a short-term Revolutionary commitment, it's a life-long journey. From its humble beginnings in 1960s, the Black Panther Party... I'm so fortunate to be able to impact the lives of others, all while partnering with the most passionately driven activist, revolutionaries and soldiers on the globe. "If I could choose no name for my group I would,... [however, having been raised a Panther Cub by productive, activist Black Panther Parents of the dynamic 1960s & 70s BPP], ... there is no better name, nor legacy, ...than the Black Panther Party, founded by Dr. Kwame Ture, then re-popularized by Defense Minister Dr. Huey P. Newton, PhD and his Chairman Bobby Seale who were Black political Urban Activist here in America... The RBPP is that party, now updated...the RBPP is the continuity of the BPP of the 1960s & 1970s just in 21st century struggle...."
- Dr. Alli Muhammad (excerpts From) the RBPP MANUAL
Dr. Muhammad is the Chief, theoretician and empirical dialectical thinker, leader and modern day revolutionary mind of the Black Panther Party.
Dr. Alli Muhammad on the party line and being raised on marxism and socialism.
" We were raised on Marxism and Socialism! Any organization bearing the party name but do not stand on the party line, is an insult to our existence, and to our legacy, and as I feel, my life, parents and upbringing.
I've witnessed some people, lump the PARTY with BLACK CAPITALISM, HATRED and even xenophobic ideologies and discrimination.
This is not who we are, and socioeconomically we are revolutionary socialist and scientific socialist.
Our parents would constantly install in us, a focus of socialism and collectivism, rather than a capitalistic or elitist way of thinking.
Having parents who were Marxist, had a unique effect, on my upbringing as the challenges that I faced, 4were always confronted with a resilient humanistic and materialistic approach.
My parents were very staunch Marxist, however, they were still very adamant and committed Pan-Africans and Black Nationalist, raising us on Scientific Socialism, Marxism-Leninism, class consciousness and educating us on Pure Communism.
Our parents would constantly, have us, explain how our daily routines, connected the Black Panther Party 10 Point Program and Platform.
They explained to us, that it is a blueprint for living. And we excepted it as such. Though, I understood, as I began to grow up that the points ultimately needed to be updated to meet the times.
As all information, should be open to adjusting to modernity. A revolutionary is always ready for complete constructive changes, even if it results in dialectic contradictions...".
Dr. Alli Muhammad, during an RBPP Self-Defense
" The Revolutionary Black Panther Party (RBBP) is committed to GOING on the Front Line, to work, do reconnaissance, train, defend & protect our people against Crimes Against Humanity, Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide.
We do not tell the people to "throw their hands up", or" rollover-play-dead," "DIE IN" or DON'T "STAND YOUR GROUND". We train the PEOPLE self-defense, to STAND THEIR GROUND, to preserve BLACK LIVES & HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL LAW RIGHTS & understanding effective "CIVIL RIGHTS" to lawfully use fatal force in self-defense...". - Dr. Alli Muhammad MD
The Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing & All Of These Human Rights Violations & Crimes Against Humanity Waged Against Black People Must End!
Fighting Against Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Crimes Against Humanity, Racial Warfare/War Waged Against Black People (People of African Descent in America)
The RBPP is committed to the Human Rights of Black People, and are the authors of the Black Human Rights Movement, are authors of the Armed Black Human Rights Movement and Armed Freedom Rides, lawfully going throughout the country with People's Tribunals assuring the Human Rights of Black people.
Who are victims of genocide, terror, extremism, human rights violations and overall crimes against humanity. From slavery to 1866, to the 1960s & 1970s to today etc., the struggle for Black rights has been "domesticated" to "Civil Rights".
However we have elevated the struggle to Human Rights, as authors of the Armed Black Human Rights Movement, The Black Human Rights Movement and Armed Black Freedom Rides. Coming to a city and state near you for the Freedom & Rights of all oppressed people.
"As long as there are political prisoners and Black people are oppressed, the struggle for Black liberation, continues. The Black Panther Party continues, because Black people, are still in need of liberation, those who are "dead" consciously, politically, courageously and have given up on "life", proclaim its over. However, there can be no victory without liberation, and without the freedom of political prisoners, prisoners of war and those in exile the struggle continues, Aluta Continua. RBPP the continuity! "
― Dr. Alli Muhammad MD
“If you stop struggling, then you stop life.”
― Dr. Huey P. Newton PhD
Many people throughout human history, marched, rallied and protested in the face of injustice and human rights issues.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., would forever change the face and energy of facing and battling injustice and a violation of rights. As he begin to evolve he understood the battle was larger, and was one of human rights and poverty, not just inclusion.
Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Brother Omawale) would forever change how we defined ourselves, and the struggle, letting us know that it is a matter of human rights, and we can't just blame a single police officer, that it is the government who is responsible and to take our case before the world court for genocide.
Dr. Alli Muhammad MD, by the inspiration of Malcolm X, who spoke of the issues of Black people being a HUMAN RIGHTS issues and not CIVL RIGHTS, and to bring our case before the WORLD COURT, (our CGIC), has made it his duty to bring our plight to the international bodies, submitted our case and issues before the world court, and international courts, to cite charges against the US Government for crimes against humanity, genocide, ethnic cleansing, human rights violations, racial discrimination, poverty, holocaust, race war/racial warfare being waged against Black people (people of African descent AKA New Afrikans, Afrikan Americans etc.).
In essence, to carryout this work, Dr. Muhammad organizes "The Armed Human Rights Movement" and "Armed Freedom Rides" conducted via ARMED MARCHES and HUMAN RIGHTS TRIVUNALS.
Dr. Muhammad also by the inspiration of the works and plans of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which was evolving the CIVL RIGHTS struggle, into a HUNAN RIGHTS struggle, as a POOR PEOPLE'S battle for economic justice, birthed the armed marches against poverty.
These marches are against poverty, genocide, terror and racism and whatever agenda the ruling class has against the masses. Dr. Muhammad combines the vision of Dr. King and Malcolm X, with the exception to turning the other cheek, or not being armed in the case of MLK, and of course having succeeded in reaching out the international courts which is what Malcolm was restricted from doing by his assassination, and as MLK was restricted from the poor people's movement do to his assassination. However, these visons are carried out in the RBPP
Throughout the country the RBPP conducts armed marches and Human Rights Tribunals ("People's Courts") To Address The Needs Of Survivors Of Genocidal Actions Carried Out By Agents Of The State Known As Law Enforcement.
It Is Reported That Every 28-34 Hours In This Country A Black Person Is Killed By A Law Enforcement, As Such We Are Standing Up Against This!
On November 2, 2024 Rayvon Shahid was killed by law enforcement in Flint, Michigan, shot 6 times in his back and 1 time in the back of his head.
On February 1, 2025 We are conducting an Armed March Against Genocide, Poverty and MAGA "Trumpism".
The Revolutionary Black Panther Party
The Revolutionary Black Panther Party (RBPP) is the same party of the 1960s just updated today, dealing with today's struggle and today’s standards of war and warfare that’s unfortunately waged against people of African descent and oppressed people as a whole.
The RBPP National Leader, is Dr. Alli Muhammad MD, official title is the Chief-General-In-Command of the Revolutionary Black Panther Party (which is today's version of a "National Chairman" for us).
Dr. Muhammad was born and raised a PANTHER (cub), having parents who were panthers of the 1960s, as the RBPP is the continuity of the 1960s.
Dr. Muhammad is also today's Marxist ideologist, providing a 21st Century Marxism, known as "Allism" AKA "African-Centered Marxism TM".
Our overall mission, ideology, platform and philosophy is to FEED, CLOTHES, SHELTER, TRAIN and DEFEND the People and community Low-End Black Collectivism (TM).
And to stand-up armed for the humanity of people of African descent, and all oppressed people with an overall endgame of a nation of our own.
OUR MISSION to FEED, CLOTHES, SHELTER, TRAIN and DEFEND, is also coined by RBPP Chief, Dr. Alli Muhammad MD, as the "5 Principles of Human Life", in addition we stand on the same 10 Point Platform & Program of our past, just updated to today's times.
Our duty is to Black and all oppressed people!
We believe in All Power to the People!
We believe in Black Power for Black People, Brown Power for Brown People, Red Power for Red People, Yellow Power for Yellow People and White Power for White People!
We are not racist and do not believe in any form of hatred or discrimination against anyone regardless of their culture, ethnicity, race, creed, religion or the color of their skin.
Hate is wrong, racial discrimination is wrong and we are against both on all levels.
The first place to fight hate, abuse and violence is in yourself.
We know that the bourgeoisie, the capitalist uses fascism or Super-Capitalism to control the people, and they use racism as a divisive weapon of distraction in order to continue the exploitation by dividing and conquering the people.
Capitalism cannot exist without super capitalism (fascism) and it cannot exist without discrimination.
Capitalism cannot exist without racism, it creates discrimination (racism, sexism, xenophobia, same sexism etc.,) in order to gain and in order distract and social engineer and trigger fears, hatred, division, insecurities and anxieties amongst the people.
This in turns creates a buffer zone between the people and the bourgeoisie in order to have us distracted and focus on hating and attacking each other while they continue to exploit and enslave us all with impunity.
Capitalism as we know it today is a socioeconomic institution and experiment created in the United States of America, starting with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
Andthe laws, law enforcement, institutions and status quo were designed to maintain the institution of slavery, to uphold the wealth of the ruling class (i.e. the bourgeoise), imposing a system that dehumanized Black people, for profit value and its continuity.
To the extent Slave Codes (Laws) were developed to uphold the institution then slave police, slave patrols, border patrols or paddy-rollers, whose duty it was to inflict severe terror, beatings, killings, recapture and random acts of terror.
In order to maintain a system of fear and control in the hearts and minds of the slaves, the government also penalized slave patrols who did not inflict pain, terror, torture and fear int he heart of slaves, who weren't even doing anything at all.
After the Civil War, and the "emancipation" of Black people, ultimately Black Codes would replace the Slave Codes in order to maintain the ruling class (the bourgeoises) power, ego and the overall ego, of the social majority society i.e. whites who felt, that the Black population should not be allowed to be equal to or more successful then them.
And as affluent Black towns sprung up, they were attacked and massacred by white mobs (to bring back conditions in favor of the ruling class and racial social majority);
Black towns, were decimated like Mobile County (1865), Alabama, Duplin County, North Carolina (1865), Pine Bluff, Arkansas (1866), Colfax, Louisiana, Massacre (1873), Wilmington, North Carolina (1898), Atlanta Massacre (1906), Elaine, Arkansas (1919), Tulsa, Oklahoma, Massacred (1921), Rosewood, Florida, Massacre (1923).
Also after slavery, with Reconstruction, Black people were given 40 acres and mule, for example;
After Jim Hutchinson was freed from slavery in 1865, the federal government gave him a land title: 40 acres on Edisto Island, South Carolina. Soon after, that land was taken back.
Through his descendants and the descendants of a former slaveholder, we reveal the truth about 40 Acres and a Mule—and how the federal government’s ultimate betrayal fueled a racial wealth gap that persists today.
In 1865, Skidaway Island, Georgia, was becoming a Black utopia. Former cotton plantations gave way to a self-governing Black community. That is, until the federal government revoked 40 acres for tens of thousands of formerly enslaved people and returned the land to former slaveholders.
Today, much of Skidaway Island belongs to The Landings, a wealthy, mostly white gated community.
So in essence, material attempts were made, and then taken back after the ruling class's ego and agendas got involved, in order to maintain the system of capitalism, as it was built on slavery and subjugation of Black people and the economic, racial and social status advancement of the ruling class and the racial social majority.
So in essence the land and advances were taken back, and laws were created to return the society back tot he dynamics that sustained slavery and capitalism and hence, Black Codes and once Black Codes were outlawed, then Jim Crow came to maintain the same system.
And once efforts were made, to end Jim Crow and those conditions via the Civil Rights Acts and Voters Rights Acts and Housing acts of the 1960s, the system then brought about structural racism, and economic injustice at the promotion of capitalism and racial oppression going hand and hand.
Capitalism cannot exists without the oppression of Black people and target groups, for the social, racial and economic advancement of the ruling class (bourgeoisie).
The enslavement of Black people is one of the worst
crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, holocaust, race war, racial warfare waged against a people, it was used to create, maintain and uphold capitalism and the social status of the ruling class (bourgeoise), and a social stratification, racial hierarchy, an overall racial privilege amongst the white social majority, the race of the ruling class.
Though the ruling class, exploits whites who are not of their class, they use race as a weapon, however, once the exploited whites awaken, and the overall white population who do not agree with racism, and understand the Black lives do matter, as we've witness nationally and internationally during the Goege Floyd People's Uprising, the society can then evolve for the people.
And there can then be a people's revolution, which is what the establishment fears. And whether it is a Black Revolution like one Nat Turner envisioned, or a people's revolution like one John Brown envisioned, LIBERATION must happen!
We are socialist, Marxist Leninist and Neo-African Socialist, the principles of Neo-African socialism is Low-End Black Collectivism that is us FEEDING, CLOTHING, SHELTERING, TRAINING & DEFENDING THE PEOPLE!
In order to bring into existence High-End Black Collectivism which is the People Self-Sufficient with Unlimited Resources; FEEDING, CLOTHING, SHELTERING, TRAINING & DEFENDING self (i.e., Scientific African Communism/Pure African Communism).
We are also dedicated to empowering marginalized communities through social initiatives. We strive to create a world where equality and respect are afforded to all individuals, regardless of their background.
Last but not least we are Revolutionary Black Nationalist Pan-Africans and African-Centered Marxist Leninist ("Allism")!
The RBPP has 40 Chapters Throughout The United States, Including But Not Limited To Prominent Cities Like Chicago, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Redding, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, St. Louis, Kansas City, Wichita, Tulsa, Camden, Brooklyn, Harlem, Los Angeles, Oakland, Forth Worth, Muskegon, Detroit, Flint, Jackson, New Orleans, Alexandria, Baltimore, Washington DC, Birmingham, Montgomery, Slidell, Raleigh, Greensboro, Wilmington, Louisville, Bowling Green, Chattanooga, Memphis, Little Rock, Hope, Fayetteville, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Ft. Lauderdale, Fort Pierce, Las Vegas and much, much more.
Our International Headquarters is Addis, Ababa Ethiopia!
We have Chapters in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Capetown, Soweto, Accra, Lagos and much, much more.
Rhineland, Germany, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Paris, France, London, England and much, much more.
Our Caribbean Headquarters Is In Nassau, Bahamas!
Nassau, Bahamas, Freeport, Bahamas, Abaco, Bahamas, Bimini, Bahamas, Kingston, Jamaica, Maroon Town, Jamaica, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Gonaïves, Haiti, Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti, Caracas, Venezuela, Caguas, Puerto Rico (PR, is a part of the US) and much, much more.
Programs are catered to the needs of the community whether locally, nationally or internationally.
At fully operation chapters we have domestic violence, prevention, couples' classes, drug treatment, drug prevention, rehabilitation, 7 day a week food programs, housing programs, pre-natal, post-natal and daycare, childcare, eldercare, job placement, and trades and much, much more.
Dr. Alli Muhmmad MD, has designed a unique program for Black families and couples to aid in healing, therapy and healthy relationship dynamics.
Our programs are specifically designed to help the unique needs of Black couples and families, as Black people have unique psychological issues, stemming from generational psychological issues and traumas.
We help families and couples grow or get back on a healthy track and grow into or restore the love, support and functional relationship dynamics that make them a better member of the community and society as a whole.
Dr. Alli Muhmmad MD, has designed a unique program for Black couples to aid in healthy relationship dynamics.
Our couples program are specifically designed to help the unique needs of Black couples as Black people have unique psychological and cultural needs, stemming from generational psychological issues, traumas and systematically imposed, self-hatred and internal racism.
We help families couples grow into healthy track relationships, based on love, support, respect, understanding, communication, love languages and functional relationship dynamics that make them a better member of the community and society as a whole.
Dr. Alli Muhmmad MD and his team of Black counselors, have designed a unique program for Black addicts, and preventative measures for young people and other who may be vulnerable to drug use, abuse or addiction.
Our drug treatment, prevention, and rehab programs are specifically designed to help the unique needs of Black addicts and vulnerable Black people, as Black people have unique psychological and cultural needs, stemming from generational psychological issues, traumas and systematically imposed, self-hatred and internal racism.
We help Black addicts and vulnerable recover, prevent, educate and grow into healthy, functional, productive and drug free people, that make them a better member of the community and society as a whole.
Nationwide and Internationally the RBPP has food programs where we feed communities, breakfasts, lunches and dinners 7 days a week.
As is a part of our mission to the community, and also as an aim to end and prevent hunger, starvation and food insecurity, nationally and internationally.
If you are a person in need of food or groceries, please contact your nearest RBPP Chapter for aid and support, or contact our national hotline.
Nationwide and Internationally the RBPP has housing programs where we help individual's and families with housing, this includes but is not limited lodging for the night, week, month, to long-term housing, to home rental programs and home buyer's programs and rental, hotel and mortgage payment and downpayment assistance.
As is a part of our mission to the community, and also as an aim to end and prevent homelessness and poverty nationally and internationally.
If you are a person in need of housing and rental, hotel or mortgage assistance, please contact your nearest RBPP Chapter for aid and support, or contact our national hotline.
RBPP Chief, Dr. Alli Muhammad MD has created a specialized combative system (self-defense/martial art system) called Tutakinga:
Ki'Africa Ya'Killa Tutakinga (meaning Pan-African Self-Defense System), a special forces designed system for the unique needs of people of African descent as we face ongoing, terror, genocide, warfare, violence, crime and police violence against us.
When you study the history of military combative systems, martial arts and self-defense systems throughout the world, you would understand that these systems are empirically deduced by the people's needs, threat assessment or the potential threat to families, individuals, women, children, elders and even soldiers in close quarter or long range situations.
The crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, holocaust, race war, racial warfare waged against Black people (people of African descent) has made us an endangered people. Our survival schools & training centers are setup to train our people Racial Survival, Self-Defense and the ability to continue life as a targeted race and racially-targeted-people.
RBPP Black Special Forces Combat System
Ki'Afrika Ya Kila Tutakinga (Tutakinga). Is a Black (African) Self-defense system created for the decedents of slaves i.e. people of African descent in America & the diaspora. It is the RBPP CORP. combat system.
Dr. Alli Muhammad & the Ministry of Defense, work hard to make sure that the community is protected and that Black people are trained to lawfully defend themselves, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN).
We offer a plethora of training programs and employment placement, please contact your local RBPP chapter or national hotline for more information.
On February 1, 2025 the RBPP will be conducting an ARMED NARCH against GENOCIDE, POVERTY & MAGA "TRUMPISM" in FLINT, MICHIGAN!
Come to Flint, Michigan, it is ground zero for the PEOPLE'S MOVMENT of 2025 as we stand up against genocide, poverty, crimes against humanity, xenophobia, sexism, racism, fascism, colonialism, imperialism and MAGA "Trumpism.
As this NEW ADMINSTRATION comes in, to attack Black people, other target groups, immigrants, women, poor people and workers.
ON NOVEMBER 2, 2024, 17 year old Rayvon Shahid a Black child, was killed by police in Flint, Michigan, shot 6 times in the back and 1 time in the back of the head, we of the RBPP, family and supporters of Rayvon Shahid demand justice, we demand;
1 - All police involved are fired and arrested
2 - Their names are released to the public
3 - Bodycam footage released immediately
4 - the defunding of the police
5 - All police charged with witness tampering and tampering with evidence
In order to continue our programs and support in the community, and our activism efforts and fight for human rights, social justice and the needs of the people.
We need help and support, your monetary financial contributions go a long way. Please send a contributions to us, VIA our CASHAPP @ $RBPPNationalHQ1
Today many use terms to describe this struggle, such as first, last, old, original such terms are offensive because we still have political prisoners whose lives are still focused in the 21st century as it was in the 1960s and overall 20th century.
Yes of course we (RBPP) are the original Black Panther Party, the original revolutionary Black Panther Party, however, there is truly no such thing as original or old, because the Black Panther Party is ageless, until all our political prisoners are free we will exist.
And we will remain, no former strife, clicks, struggles or feuds inspired by division and COINTELPRO can stop us. No social media weaponized bottom feeding, gossip channels, pages or podcasts, COINTELPRO by any other name is still COINTELPRO.
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