The Revolutionary Black Panther Party &
Our Creation of the Armed Black Human Rights Movement, The Black Human Rights Movement and the Armed Freedom Rides & People's Human Rights Tribunals
(for Black Human Rights & Justice/For Human Rights & Justice for People of African Descent in America)
The traditional struggle for RIGHTS of Black People (People of African descent) in America, has always been "domesticated/domestic" to a (US Domestic & Colonial Domestic) Civil Rights paradigm, which became legalized in 1866 along with (Radical) Reconstruction & the 13 & 14 Amendment to the US Constitution.
This struggle for Black Rights, continued all the way through to reintroduction of legalized Black oppression via Black Codes or race-based-laws, Convict Leasing, Peonage, Racial Apartheid (Segregation), Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Human Rights Violation & overall Crimes Against Humanity Waged Against Black People.
Black Activist, leaders, groups, organizations & religious institutions, continued to fight for Black Civil Rights. This struggle then became threatened by armed terrorist & armed extremist who did not agree with the agenda for Black Civil Rights; these (white) terrorist & extremist assaulted, beat, brutalized, tortured, lynched, terrorized and murdered people. And centers & churches where Black Civil Rights Activist met were set on fire and were demised by incendiary devices. Unarmed Black Civil Rights activist as well as exploiters & supporters of all races and all walks of life were victimized, harmed and murdered.
There were Freedom Rides & Freedom Riders for Black Civil Rights that went throughout the country to fight for Black Civil Rights. However, they too were assaulted, beaten, brutalized, kidnapped, tortured, lynched, terrorized and murdered; buses were set on fire and incendiary devices were used against the buses.
Black Civil Rights' activists, were not only victims of civilian criminals, terrorist & extremist. There were members of law enforcement and officials who also contributed to the carnage, like Bull Connor.
There were several criminal-elected-officials, criminal-governors, criminal-mayors, criminal-commissioners, criminal-senators, criminal-congressmen, criminal-judges, criminal-police officers, criminal-sheriff deputies, criminal-agents--as well as criminal-military-personnel & criminal-national-guards-personnel--who committed crimes that violated Black Civil Rights.
All of which at times led the US President to intervene on behalf of Black Rights, and send in Troops to end the crimes carried out by the criminal officials, politicians and criminal law enforcement as well as the criminal military personnel & national guard, who were harming, maiming, killing, plotting-against. targeting and violating the Rights of Black people.
However, once the Black Civil Rights Movement became armed (first marginally via Robert F. Williams and the Black Guard, The Deacons for Defense & Justice), ultimately by Dr. Kwame Ture (Stokley Carmichael) who is the official author of the Armed Black Civil Rights Movement, starting with the Black Panther Party (Lowndes County Freedom Organization) in 1965--with a formula designed to secure Black Civil Rights and the Black vote, via an armed Black Civil Rights Movement. This formula was then articulated by Bobby Seale & Huey P. Newton, great men, who articulated and transitioned the formula to scientifically fit their conditions, needs and problems in Oakland, California and this formula eventually spread throughout the country.
The Revolutionary Black Panther Party stands before you today as the Official Authors & Founders of the Armed Black Human Rights Movement, The Black Human Rights Movement & the Armed Freedom Rides. Expanding the struggle for Black Rights, to a "...HIGHER LEVEL, TO THE LEVEL OF HUMAN RIGHTS...!"
Well first of all because we have a Human Right to armed self-defense, a human right to defend/secure ourselves against violence, ethnic cleansing, genocide, human rights violations and crimes against humanity, racial warfare/war or war that unlawfully & illegally threatens the lives and well being of our people, community, families and person. Reflective in our human right to be armed. The United States of America, provides the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, which states that "...the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed..." It also states a right to a "...militia...".
We stand as a lawful military (militia) recognized by international law, and our human right to such, and our human right exist and be defined as such. And as reflective of our human rights to be a military (militia); we stand firm on our rights that are reflected in the US Constitutional Rights to be a militia, which we exercise said right(s) as a militia (military). The RBPP is a "Well regulated militia (military)".
Well, we learn from the past. We learn from the mistakes of the past. When activist and those struggling for Black Human Rights, rose up unarmed for Black Civil Rights, they were assaulted, beaten, tortured, unlawfully detained, kidnapped, brutalized, lynched, set on fire, attack with flesh ripping water cannon, criminal assaulted with vicious dogs and attacked with incendiary devices that led to their death, as well as many were murdered and assassinated. So, we are not starting off unarmed or the wrong way. We are starting of the right way, i.e. armed.
Because when we armed Black Civil Rights. We then gained rights, were respected and the terrorist attacks against Black people ceased. And we then freely able to serve our people, community and institute programs for our people and overall for Black Civil Rights. However, we do note that criminally-imposed-systematic operations like COINTELPRO was waged against us. However, we were still able to defend ourselves against that criminal tyranny to the best of our rightfully armed ability.
The Black Civil Rights Movements' effectiveness and greatness was carried out via extensive Freedom Rides throughout the country. That also coincided with marches, rallies and sit-ins.
However just like the unarmed Civil Rights Movement activist were assaulted, so was its freedom riders.
The Freedom Rides in the past were for Black Civil Rights. Today they are for Black Human Rights, riding from city-to-city and state-to-state with the People's Human Rights Tribunals, for the sentencing and prosecution of violators of Human Rights, the Geneva Convention and Internationally Criminal Law in regards to genocide, ethnic cleansing, human rights violation, racial warfare and race war and crimes against humanity against Black People (people of African descent in America).
As well as restoration, restitution, reparations, land, lawful nation-state sovereignty, military, technology and equipment for the violation of International Law, crimes against humanity, human rights violations and ethnic cleansing waged against Black people.
We learn from the past, the same way Black Civil Rights Activist were attacked so were unarmed freedom riders; many who ended up dead or severely injured by armed criminals.
We plan on not making that mistake. So we stand armed, ready to protect ourselves against any armed criminal, or armed terrorist who may try to unlawfully assault us and violate the Human Rights, life, liberty and overall rights of Black people.
Historically the Freedom Rides were to bring forth Black Civil Rights and Justice. Today the Freedom Rides our to bring forth Black Human Rights and Black Human Justice for People of African descent in America.
How Will The Freedom Rides & Black Human Rights Movement Bring About Black Human Rights & Justice For Black People?
Through People's Tribunal. The Armed Freedom Rides, is for the purpose of riding city-to-city and state-to-state documenting and hearings of the human rights violations, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide and overall crimes committed against Black people in order to bring about Justice, Restoration, Restitution, Reparations and Prosecution for the crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, racial warfare & race war and overall human rights violations against Black People. And to finally end racism, white supremacy, human rights violation, genocide, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing against Black people in America.
The Revolutionary Black Panther Party &
Our Creation of the Armed Black Human Rights Movement, The Black Human Rights Movement and the Armed Freedom Rides & People's Human Rights Tribunals
(for Black Human Rights & Justice/For Human Rights & Justice for People of African Descent in America)
Inspired by Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the Freedom Riders, and the 1950s-60s Civil Rights movement.
Dr. Alli Muhammad MD, the Chief-General-And-Command of the Revolutionary Black Panther Party launces and created the Armed Black Human Rights Movement For Human Rights, Defense And Value of Life.
And the people's human rights tribunal.
As Malcolm X, stated our problem is more than civil rights it's human rights, and America is not qualified to deal with the justice, so we must take it out of the jurisdiction of the United States and place our case before the International and World courts.
And hence Chief, Dr. Alli Muhammad MD, has set up for us, human rights tribunals to go before the world court and international courts.
Malcolm X on Front Page Challenge (January 5, 1965, CBC)
In 1965 just weeks before his assassination, Malcolm X appeared on the CBC’s “Front Page Challenge” and addresses Human Rights, Baba Malcolm X states:
“We are black Americans. We have a problem that goes beyond religion.…
We feel that the problem, number one, of the black man in America is beyond America’s ability to solve. It’s a human problem, not an American problem or a Negro problem.
And as a human problem or a world problem, we feel that it should be taken out of the jurisdiction of the United States government and the United States courts and taken into the United Nations in the same manner that the problems of the black man in South Africa, Angola, and other parts of the world — and even the way they’re trying to bring the problems of the Jews in Russia into the United Nations because of violations of human rights.
We believe that our problem is one not one of civil rights but a violation of human rights. Not only are we denied the right to be a citizen in the United States, we are denied the right to be a human being.”
Malcolm X New York June 1964
"Armed with the knowledge of our past, we can with confidence charter a course for our future…
This is our aim...
We declare our right on this earth to be a man, to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary.
One of the first steps we are going to become involved in …will be to work with every leader and other organization in this country interested in a program designed to bring your and my problem before the United Nations. This is our first point of business.
We feel that the problem of the black man in this country is beyond the ability of Uncle Sam to solve it. It's beyond the ability of the United States government to solve it. The government itself isn't capable of even hearing our problem, much less solving it. It's not morally equipped to solve it.
So we must take it out of the hands of the United States government. And the only way we can do this is by internationalizing it and taking advantage of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Charter on Human Rights, and on that ground bring it into the UN before a world body wherein we can indict Uncle Sam for the continued criminal injustices that our people experience in this government.
To do this, we will have to work with many organizations and many people. We've already gotten promises of support from many …different independent nations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Baba Malcolm X On Human Rights As The Higher Level Of Rights For Black People – The Ballot Or The Bullet, April 3, 1964 Cleveland, Ohio:
We need to expand the civil-rights struggle to a higher level -- to the level of human rights. Whenever you are in a civil-rights struggle, whether you know it or not, you are confining yourself to the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam.
No one from the outside world can speak out in your behalf as long as your struggle is a civil-rights struggle. Civil rights come comes within the domestic affairs of this country.
All of our African brothers and our Asian brothers and our Latin-American brothers cannot open their mouths and interfere in the domestic affairs of the United States. And as long as it's civil rights, this comes under the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam.
But the United Nations has what's known as the charter of human rights; it has a committee that deals in human rights. You may wonder why all of the atrocities that have been committed in Africa and in Hungary and in Asia, and in Latin America are brought before the UN, and the Negro problem is never brought before the UN.
This is part of the conspiracy. This old, tricky blue eyed liberal who is supposed to be your and my friend, supposed to be in our corner, supposed to be subsidizing our struggle, and supposed to be acting in the capacity of an adviser, never tells you anything about human rights. They keep you wrapped up in civil rights. And you spend so much time barking up the civil-rights tree, you don't even know there's a human-rights tree on the same floor.
When you expand the civil-rights struggle to the level of human rights, you can then take the case of the black man in this country before the nations .... You can take Uncle Sam before a world court. But the only level you can do it on is the level of human rights. Civil rights keeps you under his restrictions, under his jurisdiction. Civil rights keeps you in his pocket. Civil rights means you're asking Uncle Sam to treat you right. Human rights are something you were born with.
Human rights are your God-given rights. Human rights are the rights that are recognized by all nations of this earth. And any time any one violates your human rights, you can take them to the world court.
Uncle Sam's hands are dripping with blood, dripping with the blood of the black man in this country. He's the earth's number-one hypocrite. He has the audacity -- yes, he has -- imagine him posing as the leader of the free world. The free world! And you over here singing "We Shall Overcome."
Expand the civil-rights struggle to the level of human rights. Take it into the United Nations, where our African brothers can throw their weight on our side, where our Asian brothers can throw their weight on our side, where our Latin-American brothers can throw their weight on our side, and where 800 million Chinamen are sitting there waiting to throw their weight on our side.
The RBPP is for the rights of all Humanity & for Defending Black African people
We are not racist, we believe in human rights and humanity, but since Black people suffer the hardest of all human beings, with an ongoing genocide, the Black-African Holocaust, we must stand up for people of African descent, exclusively the hardest and strongest, and when we say 'free us or die .....', we are not inciting violence, we are speaking of being liberated from oppression and die is the result of of an oppressor from us defending ourselves from violence or terrorism, the term 'cracker,' can mean any person, race or color, it was a term used on the plantation by African slaves against people who cracked whips against them.
As such we feel that any racist whites, who feels Black lives do not matter, who feels that they are against the people being woke, who are sexist, xenophobes, fascist and haters, are CRACKERS and oppressors period.
However, any white person, who believes Black lives matter, and who believe in the people being woke, and who is anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-xenophobic and fight for human rights and Black lives, are allies, comrades in the revolution, and are "brothers" and "sisters" in the revolution .
We Are Not Anti-Police Or Anti-Law-And-Order
We are not anti-police, or anti-law-and-order, we are anti-criminal, anti-terrorist and anti-genocide, an occupation doesn't make someone immune to the law, it is very hypocritical to not hold people accountable for crimes because of their occupation, this is why we are ready to use force in self-defense and/or lawful combat, on any criminal regardless of their rank, title or occupation.
As such we feel that anyone who wears a badge or is in law enforcement, intelligence, investigation or border patrol who are fascists, or who violates the rights of people, who are haters and criminals, are not law enforcers but are PIGS, and are fascist pigs!
According to international law whenever a people are victims and survivors of genocide, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity and war crimes they are legally entitled to REPARATIONS, RESTITUION AND JUSTICE.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., reached a point and understanding that this is what we needed and he matured his position on the rights from just civil rights into human rights, he understood that we needed economic justice.
In 1968, just weeks before his murder, King said;
“At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land, through an act of Congress our government was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the Midwest, which meant that it was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor.”
“But not only did they give the land, they built land grant colleges with government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms. Not only that today, many of these people are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies not to farm, and they are the very people telling the Black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps,”
Dr. King, continued as he outlined the reasons for his Poor People’s Campaign.
“Now, when we come to Washington in this campaign, we are coming to get our check.”
In his last years Dr. King understood that it was about human rights and economic justice he stated that;
What good is having the right to sit at a lunch counter if you can't afford to buy a hamburger....
MLK wrote in his book Why We Can’t Wait (1964):
“No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro down through the centuries. Not all the wealth in this affluent society could pay the bill. Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages,”
In 1967 MLK Talks 'New Phase' Of Civil Rights Struggle, 11 Months Before His Assassination - NBC News, at Ebenzer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, an interview with NBC's Sander Vanocur, Dr. King said;
The white backlash is a continuation... the other thing we must see at this time that many of the people who supported us in Selma, and Birmingham were really outraged about the extremist behavior towards negroes but they were not at that moment and they are not now committed to genuine equality for negroes.
Is much easier to integrate a lunch counter then it is to guarantee an annual income for instance to get rid of poverty for negroes and all people it's much easier to integrate bus then it is to make genuine integration reality and quality education a reality in our schools it is much easier to integrate even a public part then it is to get rid of slums.
And think we are in a new era a new phase of the struggle where we have moved from a struggle for decency which cauterize our struggle for 10 or 12 years to a struggle for genuine equality.
And this is where we are getting resistance because there were never any intention to go this far, people were reacting to Bull Connor and to Jim Clark rather than acting in good faith for the realization of genuine equality....
America freed the slaves in 1863... but gave the salves no land or nothing in reality to get started on, at the same time America was given away millions of acres land in the west and Midwest which meant that there was a willingness to give the white peasants from Europe an economic base, and yet it refuse to give its Black peasants from Africa who came here involuntary in changes and had work free for 244 years any kind of economic base.
So emancipation for the negro was really "freedom" to hunger, freedom to winds and reigns of heaven, it was freedom without food to eat or land to cultivate and therefore it was freedom and famine at the same time and when white Americans tell the negro to lift himself by himself by his own bootstraps they don't look over the legacy of slavery and segregation I believe we odd to all we can and seek to life ourselves by our own bootstraps but its a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he odd to pick himself up by his own bootstraps and many negroes by thousands and millions have been left bootless as a result of all of these years of oppression and as a result of a society that deliberately made his color a stigma and something worthless and degrading....
There are three evils in our nation it's not only racism, but economic exploitation and poverty would be one then militarization. And think in a sense... these three are...together and weren't get rid of one without getting rid of the other.
I must confess... that dream that I had that day has in many points turned into a nightmare.... I had to analyze many things over the last few years, and I come to see that we have many more difficult days ahead and some of the old optimism was a little superficial and it now must be tempered with a solid realism.
The war... strengthen the military industrial complex of our country, and its made our job much more difficult because i think we could go along with some programs if we didn't have this war on our hands, that would cause people to adjust to new developments just as they did in the south they said they'll never ride the bus with us blood will flow in the streets they wouldn't go to school all of these things but when people came to see they had to do it because the law insisted they finally adjusted and I think white people all over this country will adjust once the nation makes it clear that in schools and housing, we got to learn to live together as brothers.
...Now we're confronting issues that cannot be solved without costing the nation billions of dollars now I think this is where we're getting our greatest resistance they may put on many other things, but we can't get ride of slums and poverty, without costing the nation something.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., took the civil rights movement, to a new phase, human rights, with economic justice, jobs, housing, education and higher employment wages and reparations for Black people.
He formed a coalition of Black people, poor people, Whites, Hispanics and other groups, and was assassinated before he could see it. He was aiming to change America for Black and poor people, to provide housing, decent jobs and reparations, economic justice for the people.
According to experts, historians and the facts, as reported in History.Com (2023) in a reported entitled MLK's Final Cause: Poor People's Campaign Demanding Economic Justice, they state that;
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign took protest to a whole new level in 1968 with a tent city that operated as a town.
Updated: December 12, 2023 | Original: June 15, 2021
They began arriving by the busloads on May 12, 1968 to demand economic justice. The Poor People’s Campaign, the brainchild of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), drew a diverse coalition of white, Latino, Indigenous and Black Americans to Washington, D.C., from across the country.
They came from big cities, both coasts, Appalachia, the Deep South, the Midwest and the Southwest, then all settled in to become residents of “Resurrection City.” The makeshift tent city spread across 15 acres near the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument in an encampment designed as a multi-day protest against government inaction on poverty.
Rather than hold a one-day demonstration to raise awareness about income inequality, leaders of the Poor People’s Campaign called on activists to camp out on the National Mall until the federal government committed to the anti-poverty policies featured in their economic bill of rights....
“The war on poverty was declared but never fully fought or funded, in part, because of the distraction of the Vietnam War and the amount of resources that went into the Vietnam War,” says historian Gordon Mantler, author of Power to the Poor: Black-Brown Coalition and the Fight for Economic Justice, 1960-1974. “King...had come to the conclusion that there needed to be a real dramatic effort to get the government to rededicate itself to the war on poverty, and that that was inextricably linked to the war.”
But King never lived to see his vision play out. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968 and his death then overshadowed the Poor People’s Campaign. As the nation reeled, the campaign was forgotten—it was later described as “the biggest protest on the Mall that nobody’s ever heard of.” But scholars argue the campaign deserves more recognition not only for its gains, but also for its influence on 21st-century populist movements.
Lenneal Henderson was a 20-year-old University of California-Berkeley student at the time of the protest and was among the throngs of campers at Resurrection City. Henderson was also on the Berkeley campus in 1967 when King visited to recruit Poor People’s Campaign activists.
“The one thing that stood out was his statement that in the 1963 March on Washington, the slogan was freedom and jobs,” says Henderson, now a senior fellow and eminent scholar at Virginia State University and adjunct professor of government at the College of William & Mary. “And he felt that there was much more of a focus on the freedom part but not enough on the jobs and, therefore, not enough on the issues of poverty and unemployment. So, he wanted the next campaign to focus on poverty, jobs and job development...(According to experts, historians and the facts, as reported in History.Com, December 12, 2023| Original June 15, 2021. report entitled MLK's Final Cause: Poor People's Campaign Demanding Economic Justice, retrieved from"
Dr. Alli Muhammad MD with a tactful combined combination of the strategies and ideas of Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) and Dr. Huey P, Newton PhD, has come up with the ARMED HUMAN RIGHTS MOVEMENT and ARMED FREEDOM RIDES.
This combination best equips and effectively confronts MAGA, and its destructive, degenerate, hateful, archaic, fascist, racist, xenophobic and oppressive attempts to bring the people back to the 1950s and 1800s i.e. The Confederacy, Jim Crow, Black Codes, Slavery and Slave Codes and America's stepchild THE NAZI PARTY, of Nazi Germany, with Trump as the New Hitler and his current administration as the New Confederacy or New Nazi REGIME.
Armed Poor People’s Initiative
By Dr. Alli Muhammad MD,
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the greatest revolutionaries of our times. He brought about equal social rights for Black people in America.
And changed the oppressive conditions of Black people in America, and exposed the ongoing confederate politics that existed in America, which aims were to keep Black people in genocide and to maintain a slave like condition, he desegregated hotels, department stores, restaurants, lunch counters and cities, and brought about real change.
However, he then began to realize that the struggle was more than just civil rights, and equal rights. That what good was it to be able to shop where you wanted, stay or lodge where you wanted, and eat where you wanted, and be where you wanted if you could not afford it.
He then realized that the problem was more than just these civil and equal rights, that it was HUMAN RIGHTS, and that poverty was a crime, that being poor was a crime, and that it was the duty of the country to end poverty.
He then sparked what he coined "The Poor People's Campaign" this POOR PEOPLE'S INITIATIVE, would take the movement to the next level, he stated that the same method he used to integrate lunch counters, will now be used to end poverty in America, i.e. to give Black people reparations and to provide total economic justice for all poor people in America. He was then assassinated.
The RBPP, is relaunching Dr. King's initiative, the Poor People's Campaign, as The Armed Poor People's Initiative, we would've used the name Poor People's Campaign but there's another organization that started using the name. So we are indeed of DR. KING'S campaign, a new Poor People's Campaign, a new poor people's initiative coined The Armed Poor People's Initiative. Wherein Dr. King was not, armed, we are, we will take up his mantle, armed and we will not complete it, until the goal or reparations for Black people and the eradication of poverty for all people in the United States of America is fulfilled.
Carrying on this strength and mantle, freedom rides, boycotts and beyond.
Join us in our fight for equality and justice. The Revolutionary Black Panther Party welcomes volunteers and supporters who want to make a difference in their communities. Your involvement can help us achieve our goals.
@ 918-438-5540
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