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MAGA Is The New Confederacy (KKK), A Fourth Reich, Trump Is The New Hitler!
The current administration is a racist, fascist, xenophobic united front of the worse kind of people amongst the bourgeoise.... TO BE CONTINUED
Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People- MAGA & The Lynching Of Black People
BY Dr. Alli Muhammad MD, The Chief-General-In-Command of
The Revolutionary Black Panther Party
In Trump’s effort for his planned genocidal blood bath, he promises to militarized police and give them immunity, send troops to Black cities and neighborhoods, and add more non-violent offenses and drug offenses to the death penalty. And the execution of everyone on death row and to rearrest people on house arrest (references 1,1B, 2, 2B, 8-8B).
Before Trump left office he restored the federal death penalty of which Eric Holder and Obama had put a moratorium on (reference 3, 3B). And I reiterate Trump also promised his first day back in office he will see to it to kill everyone currently on death row, a blood bath and a blood bath of deportations too (see references 1-1D).
In order to understand the “Blood Bath” you must understand the history of genocide against Black people in America. The tools used during chattel-slavery were police, slave laws and capital punishment (the death penalty). It is reported that every 28-34 hours, a Black person is murdered by a police officer in the USA (references 5-5B).
2 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(Black People 7 Times More Likely Than Whites To Be Wrongly Arrested,
Prosecuted And Convicted, Trump Killed 5 Black Men,
Ask For Death Of 5 Black Boys 40 Years Ago,
And Trump Sending Troops To Inner Cities For Crime And Protestors)
It’s also reported that Black people are 7 times more likely than whites to be wrongly arrested, prosecuted and convicted (see references 4, 4B). Before Trump left office the first time, he murdered 5 Black men, one of which was given clemency, and Trump murdered him (see references 6-6D).
This is the same way he wanted 5 Black children dead almost 40 years ago, the Central Park 5 of whom he’s never apologized. And he still considers them guilty though exonerated, he even called for the death penalty and more police since 1989 (see references 9-9C ).
The U.S. death penalty has its roots in lynching and slavery, and Trump sending troops to Black cities and neighborhoods only increases this element (see references 10, 8-8B). He mentioned the troops would be sent to inner cities, for crime and protestors (see references 8-8B).
3 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(Trump To Give Police Immunity, And Over Militarize Them, As Black People Are Already Targeted And Even Killed At Times For Walking While Black, Sleeping While Black, Driving While Black, Being In Your Home While Black etc.)
It’s also recorded that Black people are arrested and at times killed for apparently driving while Black. Like Dexter Reed who was shot 96 times in 41 seconds, in Chicago, Illinois, March 21, 2024. And like Philando Castile July 6, 2016 in St. Paul, Minnesota (see references 7-7B). And walking while Black like 17 year old Rayvon Rashid shot 7 times, in Flint, Michigan November 2, 2024 (see reference 7C).
Also for sleeping while Black like Breonna Taylor who was shot and killed while in her bed March 13, 2020 (see reference 7D). And like Sonya Massey shot and killed in her home shot in her kitchen while Black, July 6, 2024 the list goes on and on from the past to the present, since slavery (see reference 7E).
Trump’s plan to increase and over militarize an already militarized police, to send troops to inner city neighborhoods and to give police immunity expands these actions. Before Trump left office the first time, he murdered 5 Black men, one of which was given clemency, the appellate and jurors said he should live, and Trump murdered him anyway (see references 6-6D).
4 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(Trump Has Been Wanting These Kind Of Blood Baths And Violence
Towards Black People For Almost 40 Years)
Trump has been wanting these kind of blood baths and violence towards Black people for almost 40 years, as citied earlier with the Central Park 5. Since 1989 Trump has been calling for the death penalty against Black people and more police. Trump even bought $85,000 worth of adds explaining it and how much he hated us and called us muggers and murderers (see references 9-9D).
Trump also paid for $85,000 worth of adds calling for the death penalty and death and more police for these then 5 black children wrongfully arrested and charged, according to Trump, as citied in the New York Times, May 1, 1989, it states that;
“The $85,000 worth of ads, in The New York Times, The Daily News, The New York Post and New York Newsday, refer to …The 600-word appeal, signed Donald J. Trump, is titled ''Bring Back the Death Penalty. Bring Back Our Police!''
The advertisement appears today on page A13 of The Times.
In the advertisement, Mr. Trump says…
''I want to hate these muggers and murderers,''
Mr. Trump wrote. ''They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes…(New York Times, May 1, 1989, entitled Angered by Attack, Trump Urges Return Of the Death Penalty, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
5 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(Trump Has Always Been Like He Is, And He Executed 5 Black Men Before He Left Office, Like A Symbology About the Central Park 5 Of whose Death He Called For When They Were Children But They Were Exonerated)
Trump has always been like this now he can act out his hate and bloodthirsty vengeance against Black people. And he chose to kill 5 Black men before he left office, it was symbolic, it was like a message to to the Black community and the Central Park 5. As citied they are suing him today, apparently Trump sent a message to us and it’s symbolic.
He may not got the Central Park 5 executed, but he still executed 5 Black men, also just in case he’s not reelected to do more executions. The U.S. death penalty has its roots in lynching and slavery (see reference 10).
6 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(The US Death Penalty Is The "Descendant" of Lynching)
Next, if you do not understand that the US Death Penalty is the descendant, the “child” of lynching. Then you need to be educated, according to experts, legal experts, researchers, historians, and advocates for justice. The death penalty is a legacy of racial terror lynching, the death penalty is lynching’s stepchild as cited in an extensive report by the Equal Justice Initiative (2015):
“As early as the 1920s, lynchings were disfavored because of the “bad press” they garnered.
Southern legislatures shifted to capital punishment so that legal and ostensibly unbiased court proceedings could serve the same purpose as vigilante violence: satisfying the lust for revenge…(Equal Justice Initiative, 2015, report entitled LYNCHING IN AMERICA: CONFRONTING THE LEGACY OF RACIAL TERROR retrieved December 11, 2024”.
7 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(We Are Distracted By Survival Mode And Toxic Social Media Trends & Entertainment)
The problem is we are so distracted by trying to live or survive. And while doing so, we’re being entertained by social media and toxic music or “entertainment” which unbeknownst to us socially engineers us. We are distracted because we are constantly in survival mode, and in an alpha frequency mental state, thus having no guard up and no conscious defenses against it. We’re just going with the flow, and jump on the bandwagon either by bias, or by psychological warfare and propaganda, assuming it’s just entertainment. But it’s really devastating influences that we began to engage in ourselves unwilling. Most especially the involvement and ignorance we have about Trump and MAGA, the NEW CONFEDERACY and NEW HITLER.
8 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(Trump And MAGA Is The New Confederacy, New KKK And The New Hitler, The United Reich And A Return To The Genocidal Slave Plantation and Extermination System Against Black People )
Trump and MAGA is the New Confederacy, The New Hitler And the Fourth Reich, The United Reich.
For the first time in history, since slavery, and dynamics of Jim Crow and Segregation in America, and pre-Civil War, pre-Civil Rights Bills, Acts and Executive Orders, all the racist elements have reunited i.e.
1) the FOOT SOLDIERS or Vigilantes or Civilian White Supremacist (Nazi Groups, KKK, Nationalist Groups, Nativist and Anti-Immigration and Radical Religious Right, and Religious Nationalist
2) The US Law Enforcement, Intelligence, Investigation, Border Patrol and Military united under white supremacy i.e. MAGA
3) The Presidency, the congress, the senate and the courts
4) Social Media and Tech America
5) The Money, The Elites, Bourgeoise, Elon Musk "The Richest Man In The World" is MAGA's money man.
This is what Trump (MAGA) coined as the "United Reich"!
Everything MAGA, and Trump is about, is a return to the genocidal slave plantation system, the Confederacy, Jim Crow, segregation and extermination i.e. death penalty (plantation lynching/ lynching era) for Black people. Six years after the election of Obama, during the time Trump was strategizing his 2016 election bid, conservative think tanks, began to develop strategies for white American values.
This resulted in their creation of a poll, on how to maneuver themselves into gaining this support base and molding America back to white power, and into a blatant oppression of Blacks. And a political win, the poll was conducted, and whites in America, who were involved in the poll, exclaimed their now lack of comfortability in America.
They expressed their anxieties, feelings of betrayal and a lack of trust, and feelings of discrimination, reverse racism. As a result of this Obama or “Black president” or Blacks in power in America. The end result of this poll was the formation of Trump’s MAGA, as they exclaimed they wanted to good old days, the great days of America again, hence MAGA.
9 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(MAGA Is White Racism Fine Tuned As A Result Of The Anxieties of "The New Reconstruction", The Obama Presidency)
MAGA is the racism of white racist, fine tuned, as a result of the anxieties of the new reconstruction, the Obama presidency. This created the same environment reconstruction did after slavery, whites egos, feelings and anxieties resulted in the KKK, Jim Crow and Segregation. They went from Tea Party, Birthers, Alt Right to ultimately, now MAGA as the accumulation of all in one.
Today MAGA is the modern version of that, their solution is MAGA.
A poll was done in 2015, where this segment of white America from various walks of life. Including working class and implicitly racist whites and overtly racist whites were polled, and stated that they wanted America to return to its “good old days”; When Blacks were segregated from them, police empowered and were allowed to do their jobs.
A time where Blacks were in their place. They said a return to a good old day or a return to a great America was needed.
A return at least to the 1950s, prior to civil rights laws, and where there were no civil rights movement advances. And no Black panthers, Black power, human rights, equal employment opportunities, and where it did not seem as if this society was now anti-white or anti-white supremacist or was “woke”.
According to the report, which was conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), in a report entitled Anxiety, Nostalgia, and Mistrust – Findings from the 2015 American Values Survey (November, 17, 2015);
White Americans feel betrayed, let down, anxieties as a result of the current climate in America after Obama’s election and the Blacks and Hispanics are better off, and now they are being discriminated against.
And they want a return to the good old days, before Obama’s America, and civil rights era, and at least to the 1950s and an overall return to American values…( Public Religion Research Institute, November 17, 2015, report entitled Anxiety, Nostalgia, and Mistrust – Findings from the 2015 American Values Survey retrieved December 4, 2024 from
Next, the Atlanta Black Star citied this report, given a Black media analysis of the poll, and they surmised that white America needed to wake up, and the Black people must stay woke (see references 11, 11B).
And from this, the conservatives molded the concept of MAGA being against WOKE or WOKE politics emerged, or those things against “American values” these values for this thinking group means “white power” (see reference 11B).
In the form of anything, against white supremacy, racism, xenophobia and sexism these things are considered woke and as result of Black people and this post-civil-rights-movement and post-Obama America!
10 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(Understanding Our Holocaust, Our Genocide And It Started And Continues)
Understand that our holocaust, our genocide started as kidnapping, invasion, human trafficking and slavery and for slavery which was labor exploitation and sexual exploitation. However, it continued under different names and dynamics i.e. such ad Black Codes and Jim Crow, Segregation and Convict Leasing.
And then the War On Drugs, Socially Engineered Dysfunctional Black Families, Communities and Cultural Genocide/Fratricide.
And adding to that, the social engineering was imposed via laws, policing, music, and entertainment such as Blackploitation (music, entertainment and trends and drugs), Poverty, Police Terror, Mass Incarceration and the Death Penalty.
The enslavement of Black people in America had four major components, they were;
1) imprisonment of Blacks i.e. the enslavement
2) the laws upholding and continuing it
3) the law enforcement, judges and prosecutors enforcing it
4) and the execution and punishment system or death penalty sustaining it.
The reality is, if you remove #1 and #2 in outright wording, but you do not address restitution, stability, abundance, wealth, health and a generational established adequate form of living. As to say the opposite of poverty to the people who are no longer on the plantation.
In essence you just continue the system by a different name, especially where #3 and #4 still exists and keeps getting revamped to meet the times. Any talk of policing, laws, jails or prisons and death penalty is a talk of racism and white supremacy, without addressing the real issues, as the issues of immigration also is poverty.
11 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(Poverty Is The Base Issue And Cause For All Other Crimes And Violence. And The U.S. Law Enforcement, Prison & Death Penalty Complex Continues The Slavery Industrial Complex)
The issues of crimes and violent crimes, drug trafficking, even human trafficking (for profit) is the poverty, if you end the poverty and end the oppression there is no crime. But the agenda of these white supremacist is to be in power, and to continue the exploitation and oppression of others for their own advancement, they own prisons, jails, and other dynamics that they profit off of the crime.
However, if there were no poverty there would be no drilling on your bothers and sisters, to maintain an advantage to continue the actions, gangs, clicks and attitudes that keep you on what you feel is out of poverty, or out of being broke, or broken down.
And there would be no dysfunctional broken home structures, where entertainment and social media can dictate a ratchet culture to your babies, to your little girls. Because what's indicative is a broken home, an attack family values and the families, and children, marriage and community which is the foundations of a people and community’s stability.
Many are unaware that the US Law Enforcement Industrial Complex, Prison Industrial Complex and Death Penalty Industrial Complex are modern continuities of US’s Slavery Industrial Complex.
History, policing or law enforcement in the United States of America has it’s origins in the enslavement of Black people, slavery, the chattel enslavement of Black people (people of African & indigenous) descent was the law of the land.
To the extent if you were Black you were born a slave, police were then designed to police the enslavement of Black people, and to enforce the law of slavery. Slavery itself was a “prison” of labor, sexual exploitation, rape, child rape, torture, genocide, human rights violations, crimes against humanity and human trafficking.
The death penalty was designed to continue the enslavement and to control, punish, intimidate, exterminate and execute Black people, the fear of being executed kept Black people slaves. Because the consequences of rebelling was death, also slaves were executed for whimsical reasons, as simple as not obeying or any trivial thing.
12 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(The Death Penalty, Black Codes & Lynching, Replacing Slave Codes, After The Civil War)
And though rear the only way a white person was executed with the death penalty, they had to viciously kill another white person and it had to be thoroughly proven.
After the civil war, and reconstruction and restitution of Black people, was supplanted with Black Codes (Raced Based Laws), Jim Crow and segregation, the lynching era, or lynchings and lynch mobs, all by vigilantes or what was the MAGA dynamics back then. In the form of the KKK, white vigilantes and other white terrorist and extremist, replaced the plantation’s death penalty/execution system.
However, global and national “bad press” pressured the US to adjust its “death penalty” from the white vigilantes, to a more systemic one. This then became a judicial process, the government began to take over the old plantation system of death penalty or the execution of Black people.
Black people now again, were being executed for whimsical reasons, and were being targeted, and even in cases where some type of crimes did exists, Blacks would get executed whereas whites were not at the frequency of Blacks.
Today Black people are 2-4 times more than whites to get executed for the same crimes. And if the alleged victim is white, Blacks would definitely be executed, it’s also been proven that there is prosecutorial biases, where prosecuted and courts have deliberately manipulated convictions of Black people. Especially Black people on trial facing crimes that could result in death.
13 Trump Plans A Blood Bath Against Black People
(Trump Has Taken America Backwards 200 Years, And Many Death Penalty Convictions Have Been Overturned, And Trump Has Always Threatened To Troops Into Black Cities Like Chicago)
Since efforts have been aimed at exonerating people with death penalty convictions or proven them innocent after conviction. Now, up to 4 percent of those convicted have been proven innocent some after being on death row for decades.
We must understand that Trump and MAGA has taking the country backwards by nearly 200 years. America was never perfect and racist free, but it was evolving in a humanistic direction. And police were finally being held accountable now Trump wants to remove that and we say now way. Lastly, Trump has always threatened to send troops into Black cities starting with Chicago and now it is declared ground zero for troop deployment (see references 1-1E).
Trump’s Blood Bath
1 - Rolling Stone, December 9, 2924 entitled
People and Groups Trump’s Threatened With Violence
1B - US News, November 4, 2024, entitled The People (and Groups) Trump Has Threatened With Violence, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Promises Blood Bath For Immigrants
1C - The Atlantic, September 12, 2924, entitled Trump Promises a ‘Bloody Story’, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Blood bath for immigration deportations
1 D -Washington Post, September 9, 2024, entitled Trump reiterates: There will be blood
With his “bloody” comment about an immigration crackdown…, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Chicago Ground Zero for troops, according to Trump’s border Czar Tom Homan
1E - WUNDU 16, December 12, 2924 entitled Trump’s border czar says Chicago will be ground zero for mass deportations, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump promises to militarize police
2 - ACLU, July 19, 2024, entitled, Trump Promises to Militarize Police, Reincarcerate Thousands, and Expand Death Penalty retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Promise To Kill Everyone On Death Row
2B - Virginia ACLU, December 11, 2024, entitled TRUMP WILL KILL EVERYONE ON DEATH ROW AND EXPAND THE DEATH PENALTY. IT'S TIME FOR BIDEN TO ACT., retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Reinstates Death Penalty
3 - SkyNews, July 26, 2019, entitled Donald Trump reinstates death penalty for federal crimes, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Eric Holder and Obama put a moratorium on the death penalty
3B - EJI, February 20, 2015, entitled Attorney General Eric Holder Calls for Halt to Executions, retrieved December 12, 2024 from,challenging%20Oklahoma's%20lethal%20injection%20protocol.
Black Men 7 Times More Likely Than Whites To Be Wrongfully Convicted, Sentenced To Death, Arrested & Executed
4 - Death Penalty Information Center, September 30, 2022/Updated September 25, 2024, entitled Report: Black People 7.5 Times More Likely to Be Wrongfully Convicted of Murder than Whites, Risk Even Greater if Victim was White, retrieved December 11, 2024 from
4B - Penn Capital Star, October 7, 2022, entitled Report: Black people far more likely to be wrongly convicted than whites | Friday Morning Coffee, retrieved December 12, 2024 from,of%20serious%20crimes%2C%20researchers%20wrote.&text=“Race%20is%20central%20to%20every,justice%20in%20the%20United%20States.
Black People Killed By Police Every 28-34 Hours
5 - PrisonPolicy.Org, April 5, 2013, Operation Ghetto Storm, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
5B - TRT World Now, May 31, 2020, entitled In every 28 hours an unarmed African American is killed, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Executes 5 Black People
retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Executes 5 Black men one who had clemency
6B- (Brandon was given clemency), Death Penalty Information Center, December 8, 2020/Updated September 25, 2024, entitled Jurors and Appellate Prosecutor Say Teen Offender Brandon Bernard Should Not be Executed, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Jurors and Appellate said Brandon’s life should be spared
6C - The Intercept, December 5, 2020, entitled TRUMP PREPARES TO KILL BRANDON
JURORS SAY HIS LIFE SHOULD BE SPARED, December 5, 2020, Retrieved December 12, 2024 from
6D - Vox News, December 11, 2020, entitled The high rate of executions during Trump’s last weeks in office, explainedTrump has scheduled more federal executions than any president in at least a century, retrieved from
Trumps Final Act of Cruelty Executing Prisoners
6E - The New Yorker, November 25, 2020, entitled, Trump’s Final Cruelty: Executing Prisoners, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Black People Shot for Driving, Walking, Sleeping, In Home, In Their Kitchen While Black
DEXTER REED SHOT AT 96 Times in 41 Seconds
7 - WTTW PBS, April 9, 2024, entitled 4 Chicago Police Officers Fired at Dexter Reed 96 Times in 41 Seconds After He Shot Officer in Arm: COPA, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
DEXTER hit 13 times from 96 shots
7 B - ABC 7, April 25, 2024, entitled DEXTER REED SHOT 13 TIMES IN CPD TRAFFIC STOP, DEATH RULED A HOMICIDE: MEDICAL EXAMINER, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Philando Castile
7C - New York Times, June 20, 2017, entitled Video of Police Killing of Philando Castile Is Publicly Released, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Rayvon Rashid 17 killed for walking while Black by Flint police
7D - CBS News, November 12, 2024, entitled Family of Flint teen shot and killed by Michigan State Police troopers speaks out: "I'm just lost", retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Breonna Taylor killed sleeping while Black, Louisville Kentucky
7 E - Stanford University, entitled Breonna Tayler - Say Their Names - Spotlight At Stanford, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Sonya Massey shot in her home, in her kitchen while Black
7F - NBC NEWS, July 22, 2024, entitled Bodycam shows moment police fatally shot Illinois woman Sonya Massey, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Troops to Black Neighborhoods
8 - Politico, January 24, 2024, entitled DEFENSE
Trump wants to send troops to the inner cities. A top senator wants to rein him in., retrieved December 12, 2024
Trump to send troops to Black cities and neighborhoods to deal with crime and activists protests
8B - The Guardian, October 17, 2024, entitled Trump has repeatedly threatened to deploy the military inside major cities run by Democrats, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Nearly 40 years Ago Said He Hated Black people And Demanded To Bring Back The Death Penalty And Police
9 - New York Times, May 1, 1989, entitled Angered by Attack, Trump Urges Return Of the Death Penalty, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump Will Not Apologize To The Central Park 5
9B - The New York Times, June 18, 2029, entitled Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
Trump saying he hates the Central Park 5
9 C - The Guardian, February 17, 2016, entitled Central Park Five member recalls Trump: 'He has not changed' – video, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
The Central Park 5 Are Suing Trump for 2024 comments
9D - NPR, October 21, 2024, entitled NATIONAL
The Central Park 5 are suing Trump over Philly debate comments, retrieved December 12, 2024 from
The Death Penalty Rooted In Lynchings
10 - Equal Justice Initiative, 2015, report entitled LYNCHING IN AMERICA: CONFRONTING THE LEGACY OF RACIAL TERROR retrieved December 11, 2024
Poll Conducted Where Whites Wanted A Return To The 1950s (The Birth of MAGA)
11 - Public Religion Research Institute, November 17, 2015, report entitled Anxiety, Nostalgia, and Mistrust – Findings from the 2015 American Values Survey retrieved December 12, 2024 from
11B - Atlanta Black Star, November 20, 2015, Report entitled Poll: White Americans Yearn For the 1950s, When Black People Were Segregated and White Americans Did Not Face Such ‘Reverse Racism’, retrieved December 12, 2024
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