Adolf Hitler's reign was known as the "Third Reich", Trump's reign has been coined to be the "Fourth Reich", what Trump himself posted as the "Unified Reich".
On May 20, 2024 then-former President Trump posted a video exclaiming that his Presidency will be the "Unified Reich" which directly copied a word for word citation of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich from Wikipedia.
According to experts, historians and journalist as citied by CNN NEWS (2024) in a video report entitled Trump posts video referencing ‘unified Reich’ if reelected, it states that;
Trump posts video referencing ‘unified Reich’ if reelected
By Colin McCullough, CNN
2 minute read
Updated 5:19 PM EDT, Tue May 21, 2024
Trump campaign shares video referencing Nazi Germany
Former President Donald Trump on Monday posted a video showing images of a fake newspaper article that references a “unified Reich” if he’s reelected in 2024.
The video details “what happens after Donald Trump wins” with a narrator reading hypothetical headlines such as “Economy Booms!” and “Border is closed,” styled as World War I-era newspaper clippings. Under one headline that reads “What’s next for America?” is a reference to the “creation of a unified Reich.”
Another headline in the video states “15 Million Illegal Aliens Deported” next to the start and end days of World War I.
The term “reich” is often associated Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, who designated Germany a “Third Reich” from 1933 to 1945....
President Joe Biden and his allies, meanwhile, swiftly and emphatically condemned Trump over the video, with both Biden’s campaign and the White House denouncing what it said was flagrant antisemitism.
“This is the same guy that uses Hitler’s language, not America’s,” Biden told donors in Boston on Tuesday, according to reporters traveling with the president.
“Trump says if he loses again in November there [will] be a blood bath,” he added later.
“It is abhorrent, sickening, and disgraceful for anyone to promote content associated with Germany’s Nazi government under Adolf Hitler,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates added in a statement.
Trump is “not playing games; he is telling America exactly what he intends to do if he regains power: rule as a dictator over a ‘unified reich,’” Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer said.
Trump has previously played into antisemitic tropes, drawing broad condemnation for lashing out at Jewish Americans he says don’t support him and Israel enough. His rhetoric – including claiming undocumented migrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” and referring to his political opponents as “vermin” – have drawn comparison to the language used by Hitler...(CNN NEWS, May 21, 2024, report entitled Trump posts video referencing ‘unified Reich’ if reelected, retrieved from
So as we can say, they have been clear that this MAGA regime, will not only be the "Fourth Reich" but a "Unified Reich".
As you can see here in the wording zoomed in and circled in red, it states a "Unified Reich"
As citied, Trump's video imagery copied word for word of Nazi Germany's description of Hitler's "Third Reich" for his MAGA "NAZI FOURTH REICH" AKA "The Unified Reich".
The Video that Trump posted on his Truth Social exclaiming his presidency and win as the "Unified Reich" and as citied above, it was copied word for word from the description of Hitler's Nazi Party "Third Reich". And aired on The View.
(This video, is from The View, May 21, 2024 on their YouTube channel, video entitled Trump Campaign Posts Video Referencing 'Unified Reich' | The View, retrieved from
MAGA as a FOURTH REICH, in and of itself, has been a fear, however, Trump did not claim it until 2024, but it was always important to take such rhetoric as serious, as Trump (MAGA administration) is doing everything in its power to make this the reality, but the fear has been around for a while.
According to experts, historians, and political professionals as reported (2022) in the Philadelphia Tribune, in a report entitled It's important to take those calling for a 'Fourth Reich' seriously, they state that;
Since the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, Americans have become increasingly concerned about the threat posed by fascist groups to the country's democratic order. Meanwhile, one of the first countries to go fascist last century — Germany — is facing its own internal right-wing threat, as was made clear last week when German police arrested more than two dozen right-wing extremists plotting to violently overthrow the government. As odd as it may sound, both countries may be facing the same threat — the prospect of a "Fourth Reich…".
Similar fears have recently been expressed in the United States. Since 2016, left-liberal commentators have voiced the fear that Trumpism threatens to give rise to a Fourth Reich in the United States. In pop culture the streaming series "Hunters," starring Al Pacino, explores the premise of American neo-Nazis in the 1970s plotting to create a Fourth Reich in America.
The proliferation of references to a Fourth Reich is hardly new, though it is newly intense and widespread. Originally, the concept was coined by opponents of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, who sought to herald the vision of a fourth successor Reich as a democratic alternative to Nazism.
After World War II, however, the concept was reappropriated by unrepentant Nazis who hoped to recreate the authoritarian spirit of the Third Reich. Simultaneously, Western democracies used the concept of a Fourth Reich in admonitory fashion to warn against the possible postwar resurgence of Nazism. This history shows why it is critical to take those actors who seek to bring about a Fourth Reich seriously….
The idea of a "Fourth Reich" also serves as a rallying cry for the far right beyond Germany. Indeed, it exists in the United States as well…many white supremacist and neo-Nazi activists have embraced it. In August 2017, an African-American church in Dumfries, Virginia, was vandalized with racist signs, including one that read "the Fourth Reich."
Around the same time, right-wing radicals produced threatening social media posts with messages such as "Donald Trump is Just the Opening Act. Yes, We Will Live to see a Fourth Reich…(The Philadelphia Tribune, December 16, 2022, report entitled It's important to take those calling for a 'Fourth Reich' seriously, retrieved from”.
Prior to this post, Trump hadn’t directly connected himself as a “reich” it wasn’t until May 20, 2024, that he posted the video on his Truth Social website, of his presidency being the “United Reich”.
According to the opinion of experts and historians, as reported in MSN News (2025), in an op-ed report entitled A Fourth Reich? It’s Not Just a Bad Dream, it states that;
According to historians, it took Adolf Hitler 53 days to transform the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, replacing that feckless democracy with the mother of all modern dictatorships.
In a recent piece for The Atlantic, Timothy W. Ryback, director of the Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation in The Hague, clocks it at “one month, three weeks, two days, eight hours, and 40 minutes.”
Ryback’s precision (leaving aside a minor quibble about the length of the month) put me in mind of the record books — Usain Bolt, Katie Ledecky, Joe DiMaggio — and the question of how long it may take Donald Trump.
Of course the historical record is teeming with dictators who, their coups having succeeded, crossed the Finish Line in hours, if not minutes….
Parallels and Distinctions
While the Weimar constitution was hardly a fair copy of our own remarkable document, and while the Weimar Republic was a sapling compared to our full-grown (overgrown?) oak, Trump’s challenge has a great deal in common with Hitler’s.
Both came into office in a sharply divided country, with a “mandate” that existed in their own minds, not in reality. Both had essentially boundless ambitions, knew with a fair amount of precision what stood in their way, had plans in hand for neutering those impediments, and were gifted with an improvisatory flair for dealing with setbacks.
The machinations that took Hitler through the minefield of his 53 days are recounted in detail in a whole library shelf of books and articles; I highly recommend Ryback’s, cited above, for a relatively succinct summary.
There are a few key points of special relevance to the perils facing our own democracy.
There were those who — even in early 1933, when Hitler was still getting his ducks lined up — grasped the disaster to come, some with uncanny specificity. But the vast majority, not just in Germany but across the globe, continued to pursue normal, often enthusiastic, relations with the Third Reich. Hitler hosted the 1936 Olympics, the first instance of sportswashing, and still the most egregious….
The report goes on to state that;
Waking Up and Realizing It’s All Real
Those of us who predicted this onslaught — while the media was busy normalizing Trump and his intentions throughout 2024 — are seeing our worst fears realized. A sampler of this week’s headlines: “The Purge: Wrecking the Civil Service”; “Trump and Musk Are Strangling the Government”; “Where Will It End?”; “Reverse D-Day”; “Last Chance To Stop a Dictatorship”; “The Coup d’État Has Begun”; “Elon Musk Has Broken the Constitutional Order”; “Trump’s Gut-It-All Plan”; “Impeach Him: We Are Watching a Global Superpower Commit Suicide…”.
The report further states that;
Unlike in 2017, when they hit the ground stumbling, this time Trump and his minions have done their homework, having written much of it down in the menacing Project 2025, and have come roaring out of the gate with a terrifying, flood-the-zone intensity….
Decades ago, Republican operative extraordinaire Karl Rove talked up a “permanent Republican majority” and “perpetual rule.” A few weeks ago, Trump appeared to attribute his Pennsylvania “landslide” to the fact that Musk “knows those computers better than anybody, all those computers, those vote counting computers.”
I’ll have a good deal more on that in a soon-to-be-published forensic analysis of Election 2024, but suffice it to say that current levels of security fall far short of guaranteeing legitimate elections going forward, and there is no sign of that changing for the better….
The report goes on to state that;
How will Trump — who in 2020 was itching to shoot Black Lives Matter demonstrators “in the legs” — respond? Will he invoke the Insurrection Act, turn the military on protesters? Will the troops so deployed shoot if provoked? Will someone die? Will that lead to bigger, angrier demonstrations, more shooting, more deaths? Where will that escalation end up? Will we enter into what, a year ago, I first referred to as “the dictator’s doom loop?”
…While there is little question that much of MAGA governance oozes shoddiness, the conclusion that that makes it somehow less dangerous derives, I’m afraid, from a solidly meritocratic world view.
And that world view is precisely what the MAGAs have set out to smash….
Competence, long years of devotion, study, training are, in their view, not merely unnecessary, but dangerous hallmarks of the far-left lunatic deep state. “Move fast and break things” is, with the merger of Tech Bro and MAGA, the new modus operandi, to be prized and flaunted in Washington and beyond. Who needs an advanced degree in bioengineering or theoretical physics when you can just do your own research by checking out podcasts, websites, and influencers your Uncle MAGA recommends?
The report concludes to state that;
If the courts fail, it’s up to the public — or rather that segment of the public not belonging to the Trump cult and willing to put everything, from their convenience to their lives, on the line to save our democracy.
Those patriots ready and able to do so should expect to be met with force.
At one point, voting would have been enough. One way or another, America failed that test. Now it’s likely to take more, much more. It will take all of us.
A Fourth Reich beckons. And there are no guarantees. This is not a movie…(MSN News, February 8, 2025, report entitled A Fourth Reich? It’s Not Just A Bad Dream, retrieved from
So as we surmise MAGA is the FOURTH REICH (AKA THE UNIFIED REICH) the New Nazi government, and Donald Trump is the New Hitler.
The Beer Hall Putsch also referred to as Munich Putsch, was a planned coup d'état, that Adolf Hitler (Nazi Party leader), the other Nazi leaders involved included Generalquartiermeister (Quarter Master General) Erich Ludendorff and several other Kampfbund leaders in Munich, Bavaria, on November 8-9, 1923, this was during the period of the Weimar Republic.
There were about two thousand Nazis who marched on the Feldherrnhalle, in the city centre, however they were confronted by a police cordon that resulted in the deaths of 15 Nazis, and about 4 police officers, and ultimately one bystander, totally about 20 deaths.
However, Hitler escaped arrest and went into hidden in the countryside. However, after about two days, he was located, arrested and then charged with treason against the country.
The attempted coup, brought Adolf Hitler to the attention of the entire German nation and generated front-page headlines in newspapers around the world including the United States. Hitler’s arrest was followed by a highly publicized 24-day trial, which actually gave him e spotlighy and overall a platform to pontificate his opinion and spread his nationalist doctrine.
However, Hitler was found guilty of treason against the state and he was then sentenced to five years and sent to Landsberg Prison, and it there in prison where he indoctrinated Mein Kampf to fellow prisoners like Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess who would later join him in his Nazi regime.
However, on December 20, 1924, after only serving only nine months, Hitler was released was released from prison.
Going to prison, would lead to Hitler restrategizing, how he approached his agenda, Hitler changed his focus towards obtaining power through a propaganda and more legal means rather than by a coup, or a revolution or force, he overall changed his tactics, ultimately advancing and developing Nazi propaganda.
By November 1932, the Nazi Party held the most seats in the Reichstag (the German parliament), but they were not a majority though—in essence, there were no political parties that had the ability to form a majority alliance in support of a single candidate for chancellor of Germany.
The Former chancellor Franz von Papen and several other conservative leaders had compelled the then President Paul von Hindenburg to appoint the charismatic Adolf Hitler as chancellor on January 30, 1933.
Thus, not to long after, Hitler’s appointment, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act of 1933, which began the process of transforming the Weimar Republic into Nazi Germany, and overall a one-party dictatorship based on the fascism, or totalitarian and the autocratic ideology of Nazism, which is similar to what is going now with he current Trump administration and MAGAism.
On August 2, 1934, with the mysterious death of German President Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler became the president of the country, Hitler succeeded him, simultaneously becoming the head of state and government, with absolute power, similar to MAGA, though no one died—but Trump (MAGA) has control or the majority in the senate, congress, the supreme court and he is the president, they currently have control over the executive (execute laws), legislative (makes laws), judicial (evaluate laws).
And the backing of the “riches man” in the world, Elon Musk, who doesn’t hide, the MAGA (Trump) administration as a current Nazi regime, a fourth Reich, or as Trump referred to it as a united Reich. Adolf Hitler then began to implement several racist policies, like Trump did with his EXECUTIVE ORDERS.
And like Trump, Hitler targeted immigrant groups to deport and ethnic citizens, these included but was not limited to, gypsies, foreigners, Polish people, however, he was focused on not only deporting but rounding up deporting and exterminating German Jews (the US equivalent of the German those, are American Blacks of whom the 14th Amendment provided birthright citizenship to).
The same as Trump is deporting immigrants and ultimately white supremacist have an agenda to roundup, deport and exterminate Black people, this has always been the theme of white supremacy, and henceforth as the MAGA base.
During Hitler’s first six years in power there was a rapid economic recovery from the Great Depression, the rescindment of restrictions imposed on Germany after World War I, and the annexation of territories inhabited by millions of ethnic Germans, which initially gave him significant popular support, a nationalist ideology, as with MAGA and Trump today.
Adolf Hitler argued that the German people needed space to breathe, as a key argument for ethnic cleansing and genocide. The same as the immigration argument of MAGA.
Hitler referred to this as Lebensraum (lit. 'living space') for the German people in Eastern Europe, with his overall aggressive, expansionist foreign serving as the primary cause of World War II in Europe.
Hitler, steered a very large rearmament and on September 1, 1939, he invaded Poland, which then caused Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany.
Then in June 1941, Hitler ordered a total invasion of the Soviet Union, and In December 1941, he declared war on the United States.
And by the end of 1941, German forces and the European Axis powers had occupied most of Europe and North Africa--these gains were progressively undone after 1941. And ultimately in 1945 the Allied armies defeated the German army, ultimately ending the war.
Then on April 29, 1945, Hitler married his longtime girlfriend, Eva Braun, in the Führerbunker in Berlin. The allegedly committed suicide the next day to avoid capture by the Soviet Red Army—and apparently in accordance with Hitler's wishes, their corpses were burned—this is controversial because some historians believe Hitler escaped and ended up dying years later in Columbia.
According to the CIA, and an informant, codenamed ‘Cimelody-3’, who told the acting US intelligence chief for Venezuela at that time, that he was in contact with a former SS agent, Philip Citroen, who met a man claiming to be Adolf Hitler in Tunja, Colombia.
Under Hitler's rule and inhumane overtly racist ideolog of the Nazi regime, Hitler and the Nazis were responsible for the genocide of an estimated six million German Jews and also millions of other victims, whom Hitler and his followers deemed Untermenschen (lit. 'subhumans') or in essence socially undesirable, who were so-called parasites that needed to be exterminated.
Hitler and the Nazi regime were also responsible for the intentional murder of approximately 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war in Germany as well as an additional 28.7 million soldiers and civilians died as a result of military action in the European theatre (of war).
However, history will forever detail, that the number of civilians killed during World War II was unprecedented in any other warfare, and the casualties constitute the deadliest conflict in history—and if we allow this MAGA hatred to continue, it will lead to the same thing, if we are not careful. Hitler murdered a total of 50 million people (i.e. 48 million people).
Donald Trump never got a chance to be sentenced to prison as of now, however, he was convicted of 34 felonies, which makes it insane that a 34 time felon can become the president of the United States, when it is difficult for felons of color with just one felony to get a job, or buy or home or rent an apartment.
According to the courts, experts and the US congress, as reported by NPR (2021), in a report entitled, it states that;
Democrats have pointed to one phrase in particular as they argue that Trump incited those present to march down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol.
"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.His defense lawyers, however, point to a different passage, in which Trump said, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." They argue that his words were not a call for actual violence and lawlessness…(NPR NEWS, February 10, 2021, report entitled Read Trump's Jan. 6 Speech, A Key Part Of Impeachment Trial, retrieved from
So in essence, he said that he know they were going to be “,,,marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard…”. However, in order to save or still have their country they needed to “…fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore…”.
At noon on January 6, 2021 at a "Save America" rally on the Ellipse, a failed, defeated and election lost, Donald Trump gave a speech in which not only incited the riot and overall coup on the USA, but he repetitive hurled fallacious claims of election irregularities, and that the election was stolen , the he incited them to violence, as he said, "If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore…”.
Then as Congress began the electoral vote count, thousands of Trump (MAGA) supporters, many of whom were armed, walked to the Capitol, and tens of hundreds breached the police perimeters and attacked and beat the police. Among the rioters were leaders of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers militia groups.
It was estimated that over 2,000–2,500 people entered the Capitol Building during the attack, and Trump-MAGA coup attempt on the US government, many of whom vandalized and looted the capitol. including the offices of the then-House speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of Congress members.
The Trump-MAGA rioters assaulted Capitol Police officers, journalists, Black people and other people of color that day. And as they breached the building, the security breached, Capitol Police evacuated and locked down both chambers of Congress and several buildings in the Complex as what was in their ability.
The MAGA coup rioters occupied the empty Senate chamber while federal law enforcement officers tried to shield the evacuated House floor. Also, pipe bombs were found at the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee headquarters, and Molotov cocktails were discovered in a vehicle near the Capitol. Trump resisted sending the National Guard to quell the mob, after being asked countless of times to.
And later that afternoon on Twitter in a video, Trump restated the false claims about the election being stolen from him. Ultimately, the Capitol was cleared of Trump-MAGA coup attempt rioters by the mid-evening, and the electoral vote count was resumed and it was ultimately completed by the early morning of January 7, concluding with then VP Mike Pence declaring the final electoral vote count in favor of President-elect Biden, also during the January 6, 2021 coup attempt, the coup rioters had hoisted an area, to hang Mike Pence.
Understanding the reality of the situation, with extreme pressure by his cabinet, and the threat of removal, and after a plethora of resignations, mass dissociation of people from Trump and him being denounced by the RNC, Donald Trump later conceded to the transition of power in a televised statement. And a week after the attack, the House of Representatives impeached Trump for incitement of insurrection, making him the only U.S. president to be impeached twice.
On May 2024, 1,424 people then charged with federal crimes relating to the attempted coup or insurrection, about 1,010 pled guilty, and 1,060 had been sentenced, 64% of whom received a jail sentence. And a great amount of the participants in the attack were directly members of far-right extremist groups or conspiratorial movements, including the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and Three Percenters, many of whom were convicted of seditious conspiracy—this included the chairman of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, who received the longest sentence, a 22-year prison term for his role in the attempted coup/insurrection/riot.
However, on January 20, 2025, after taking office, Donald Trump granted clemency to all January 6 rioters, including members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers along with those who violently assaulted police—he has also been freeing police officers involved in the murder of Black people.
Donald Trump never got a chance to be sentenced to prison as of now, however, he was convicted of 34 felonies, which makes it insane that a 34 time felon can become the president of the United States, when it is difficult for felons of color with just one felony to get a job, or buy or home or rent an apartment. Unlike Trump Adolf Hitler was arrested and convicted, but ultimately only served 9 months.
Tea Party, Birthers, Alt-Right and Ultimately MAGA
The Tea Party Patriots AKA The Tea Party movement, is an American conservative political organization founded in 2009 as part of the Tea Party movement; The organization was founded by Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, and Amy Kremer in March 2009.
Notable for organizing citizen opposition to the Affordable Care Act during the presidency of Barack Obama, and for supporting Donald Trump.
The Obama years, 2009–2017
Representative Ron Paul of Texas addressing the Tea Party Patriots American Policy Summit in Phoenix, Arizona in 2011
Rick Santelli, an editor for the CNBC Business News network, is credited as being a catalyst in the early formation of the Tea Party movement through a statement he made on February 19, 2009.
In 2010, Tea Party Patriots was among the 12 most influential groups in the Tea Party movement according to the National Journal, and among the top five according to The Washington Post.
In September 2010, the group announced it had received a $1 million donation from an anonymous donor.
The money was distributed to its affiliated groups and must be spent by Election Day, though it could not be used to directly support any candidate. In 2010, the group reportedly included over 2,200 local chapters.
In 2012, the group along with the Southern Republican Leadership Conference organized a presidential primary debate that aired on CNN.
Along with various other conservative and libertarian organizations the Tea Party Patriots developed a Contract from America that echoed the Republican Contract with America of 1994 stating some of the core principles and several specific goals shared by organizations and individuals involved with the tea parties.
In July 2012, the group's Atlanta chapter partnered with the Sierra Club and the NAACP to defeat a proposed transit tax in Atlanta. The referendum was defeated by a margin of 63 percent.
(Donald Trump's Birth Lie Movement Against Pres. Obama)
Donald Trump would lead a lie, than Barack Obama was not a US citizen, nor had traditional American values, resulting in wide-ranging news coverage questioning Obama's religion, his place of birth—this eventually was known as the "birther movement" AKA “birtherism”.
The, Trump led, movement fallaciously asserted Obama was ineligible to be President of the United States because he was not a natural-born citizen of the United States as required by Article Two of the Constitution.
Studies have found these birther conspiracy theories to be most firmly held by Republicans strong in both political knowledge and racial resentment, ultimately undermining the Democratic party, and helping to get Trump elected. Trump made up lies, like Obama's birth certificate was fake, and that he was actually born in Kenya instead of Hawaii.
Trump then changed it to the lie that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia in childhood, thereby losing his U.S. citizenship. Then Trump and the birthers went on to claim that Obama was not a natural-born U.S. citizen because he was born a dual citizen (British and American).
A number of political commentators have characterized these various claims as a racist reaction to Obama's status as the first African-American president of the United States. Many birthers sought court rulings to declare Obama ineligible to take office, or to grant access to various documents which they claimed would support such ineligibility; none of these efforts succeeded.
Some political opponents, especially in the Republican Party, expressed skepticism about Obama's citizenship or were unwilling to acknowledge it; others proposed legislation that would require presidential candidates to provide proof of eligibility.
The Alt-Right (abbreviation for Alternative Right) is an extremist far-right, white nationalist movement, coming out of the Tea Party and Birther movement, establishing a presence in other countries during the mid-2010s.
And from its origins 2010, as an online movement started by US white nationalist Richard B. Spencer who launched The Alternative Right webzine. His "alternative right" was influenced by earlier forms of US white nationalism, as well as paleoconservatism, the Dark Enlightenment, and the Nouvelle Droite. His term was shortened to "alt-right" and popularized by far-right participants of /pol/, the politics board of the web forum 4chan.
It came to be associated with other white nationalist websites and groups, including Andrew Anglin's Daily Stormer, Brad Griffin's Occidental Dissent, and Matthew Heimbach's defunct Traditionalist Worker Party. Following the 2014 Gamergate controversy, the alt-right made increasing use of trolling and online harassment to raise its profile. It attracted broader attention in 2015, particularly through coverage on Steve Bannon's Breitbart News, due to alt-right support for Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
Upon Trump’s election, the “Alt-Right” transformed itself from an online-based movement to a physical one, Spencer and other alt-right figures organized the August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which led to violent clashes with counter-demonstrators and resulted in one death when an alt-right member drove his car through the crowd of counter-demonstrators.
The fallout from the rally resulted in a decline of the alt-right. The alt-right movement espouses the pseudoscientific idea of biological racism and promoted a form of identity politics in favor of (white) European Americans and white people internationally. And was Anti-egalitarian in nature, rejecting the liberal democratic basis of U.S. governance, and opposes both the conservative and liberal wings of the country's political mainstream (ultimately given the basis for MAGA).
The Alt-Right sought to replace the U.S. with a white separatist ethnostate. Some alt-rightists seek to make white nationalism socially respectable, while others (known as the "1488" scene) adopt openly white supremacist and neo-Nazi stances to shock and provoke. Alt-rightists are also antisemitic, and thus promoted conspiracy theories that there is a Jewish plot to bring about white genocide, although other alt-rightists view most Jews as members of the white race.
The alt-right is also anti-feminist and intersects with the online manosphere. Most adherents to the alt-right are also Islamophobic—the movement distinguished itself from earlier forms of white nationalism through its largely online presence and its heavy use of irony and humor, particularly through the promotion of memes like Pepe the Frog.
Individuals who are aligned with many of the alt-right's ideas without espousing its white nationalism have been termed "alt-lite". The alt-right's membership is overwhelmingly white and male, attracted to the movement by deteriorating living standards and prospects, anxieties about the social role of white masculinity, and anger at left-wing and non-white forms of identity politics such as feminism and Black Lives Matter.
Alt-right material has contributed to the radicalization of men responsible for various murders and terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 2014. Critics charge that the term "alt-right" is merely a rebranding of white supremacism.
THE ALT RIGHT White Green Power
Steve Bannon considers himself an White Economic Nationalist AKA as an Economic White Nationalist or an Economic Nationalist, and the Alt-Right also espoused this white green power ideology, as the root of capitalism is the enslavement of Black people in the United States and you cannot maintain White Racism in America without capitalism these two are twin-halves.
(i.e. Jim Crow, the Confederacy and Slavery)
The rise of the new forms of Ku Klux Klan just like the climate that birthed the original KKK after slavery, i.e. Blacks in power, and especially Blacks in political power. The election of President Barack Obama, was seen as a "New Reconstruction", and it henceforth resurged the KKK, Neo-Nazis and other white supremacist groups, but it also gave birth to a modernized type white extremist, out of the same environment that birthed the KKK of yore, and that was "RECONSTRUCTION".
The Tea Party Patriots dissolved into the Birther Movement, popularizing Trump, and the Birther Movement evolved into The Make America Great Again Movement (MAGA), after conservatives did a think tank, a survey and surmised what exactly white America wanted, and it was a "great America" and for the them that looked like Jim Crow (i.e. the New Confederacy or continued Confederacy or slavery).
After a survey conducted by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) on November 17, 2015, entitled Anxieties, Nostalgia and Mistrust: Findings from the 2015 American Values Survey, that an overwhelming 1 and 10 i.e. 43% of white Americans were dissatisfied [with this New Reconstruction i.e. the election of President Obama, US racial policies] America’s racial climate.
The report concluded that white Americans felt that Blacks and Hispanics were better off than them and that they were victims of reverse racism, and wanted to return America back to the good old days, to good old America, to great America, at least to the 1950s when there was Jim Crow or segregation [and ultimately to the Confederacy or “slavery”].
A Black response to this survey, was reported in in the Atlanta Black Star (2015) in a report entitled, Poll: White Americans Yearn For the 1950s, When Black People Were Segregated and White Americans Did Not Face Such ‘Reverse Racism’, the report stated that;
According to the survey, released by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) this week, over four in ten Americans (43 percent) say that anti-white discrimination has become as much of a problem as discrimination against Black people and other minorities, with 55 percent disagreeing.
PPRI notes that opinions regarding so-called “reverse discrimination” have remained constant over the past few years. Half (50%) of whites, including 60 percent of working-class whites agree that discrimination against whites is serious, in contrast to 29 percent of Latinos and 25 percent of African-Americans.
The Atlanta Black Star, further stated that;
Also related to these findings, a majority of Americans (53 percent) say that the American culture and way of life has changed for the worse since the 1950s, as opposed to 46 percent who say things have gotten better. In contrast, 60 percent of Blacks and 54 percent of Latinos believe the situation in the U.S. has improved, as opposed to 42 percent of whites. Unpacking the numbers a little more, 57 percent of whites say America has worsened over the past sixty years, as well as a majority of independents (56 percent), Republicans (67 percent), and Tea Party members (72 percent), but only 40 percent of Democrats.The Atlanta Black Star, continued to state that;The 1950s, lest we need to remind ourselves, marked the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement.
In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which overturned Jim Crow racial segregation in the public schools. These were the days when white privilege was normalized and white supremacy went unchallenged, and Black people were rendered invisible, unless they were preparing a meal for a white family or dangling from a tree. Whites controlled the whole game back then, as they still do to a great extent, with the difference that today, Black and Brown people are asserting themselves and demanding their rights, as conservatives turn back the clock and roll back those nominal gains we made with the Civil Rights legislation of the 1960s.
The Atlanta Black Star concluded that;
If this is what the racial justice landscape looks like for the twenty-first century, it is no wonder the #BlackLivesMatter movement is necessary. White America needs to wake up, and Black America, we need to #StayWoke…(Atlanta Black Star, November 20, 2015, report entitled Poll: White Americans Yearn For the 1950s, When Black People Were Segregated and White Americans Did Not Face Such ‘Reverse Racism’, retrieved from
Hence, out this survey and the Black response, birthed the MAGA movement, the whites desire to an “old great America” and Black people position on being awakened to it or the suggestion for Black people to #StayWoke and for whites to “wake up” this resulting in “Anti-Woke” policy, as a code word for anti-Blackness, or a new “n-word”.MAGA in essence is a combination of white nationalism, neo-Nazism, anti-immigration, anti-government, conspiracy theoryism all rolled into one.
Thus by saying he’s removing the current government system Trump’s appeals to the anti-government people, by mass deporting immigrants of color Trump appeals to the white nationalist, and neo-Nazis and anti-immigrant facets of white supremacy.
Parallels between Trump and Hitler
On November 8-9, 1923, Adolf Hitler called for a coup de tat of the German government, ultimately leading to his arrest. On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump called for a coup de tat and created the boldface lie, that the election was stolen from him by Biden, he did not get arrested but it ultimately led to the arrest of over 1500 of his supporters, who stormed the US capitol and tried to overthrow the government and put him in power.
The same way Hitler’s influenced change the German Workers Party replacing it with the Nazi Party, Trump’s influence changed the traditional Republican Party replacing it with the MAGA Republican Party, or the New Confederacy (KKK) or the Fourth Reich, as his supporters call it, but he himself referred to it as the United Reich.
Das Dritte Reich (Drittes Reich), The Third Reich, was the German state between 1933 and 1945, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party totally ran and controlled the country, thus transforming it into a fascist state and overall totalitarian dictatorship, led by Adolf Hitler, as a cult like government, propagandized and stablished on hate and white supremacy.
The Third Reich, literally means the "Third Realm" or "Third Empire", and hence refers to the Nazi claim that Nazi Germany was the successor of what they considered the height of “White Supremacy” which was the earlier Holy Roman Empire (800/962–1806) and German Empire (1871–1918).
Hence, the Third Reich, which the Nazis referred to as the Thousand-Year Reich, that they will rule for 1000 years. However, their “Reich” ended in May 1945, after only 12 years, when Germany was defeated by “allied forces” who entered the capital, Berlin, ending World War II in Europe.
The same elements that created WWII and the Ku Klux Klan are the elements that created MAGA and what it stands on. MAGA is a result of the “NEW RECONSTRUCTION” that happened by the election of US President Barack H. Obama, and his policies.
The same as the end of slavery, and the first Reconstruction, lead to the reformation of the Confederacy as the KKK, and following laws influenced by them, including Black codes and ultimately Jim Crow.
Even since the fall of the US Confederacy (slavery) it has been the duty of racist whites to continue it, hence developing the KKK, and making sure they find a political party to push their white supremacist agenda.
Though it was the Democratic Party first, as the founders of the KKK and fighters for the continuity of the confederacy.
Lincoln was Republican, then after the Democrats capitulated to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., signing away the new CONFEDERACY (KKK) i.e. JIM CROW with the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, VOTERS RIGHTS ACT OF 1965, and the HOUSING ACT OF 1968, President Johnson made it clear that they just lost south and the democratic party to the Republican Party.
In essence, the white racists abandoned the democratic party, and become Republicans under Nixon’s Southern Strategy (i.e. the NEW CONFEDERACY) which came with a proxy-war or codenamed war against Black people called the War On Drugs etc.
And the new forms of division. WWII came about because, the influences of the United States KKK (The Confederacy/Hidden Government/Hidden Empire) and US Eugenicist like Madison Grant who provided Adolf Hitler with the blueprint and bible of Nazism, his book The Passing of the Great Race, which Hitler referred to as his bible.
Thus, the book was the basis for Nazism, Hitler was also financed by US racists and eugenicist, like Prescott Bush whom through Browns Brothers Harriman financed Hitler and the Nazi Party.
But it was the US KKK, Eugenics, US non-white anti-immigration laws, and the book of The Passing of the Great Race, that racialism, nationalized and radicalized Hitler resulting in WWII.
And today, as Trump’s government is a radicalization of all these same elements, we are embarking on WWIII i.e. “THE RACE WAR”.
Parallels between Trump and Hitler
On November 8-9, 1923, Adolf Hitler called for a coup de tat of the German government, ultimately leading to his arrest. On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump called for a coup de tat and created the boldface lie, that the election was stolen from him by Biden, he did not get arrested but it ultimately led to the arrest of over 1500 of his supporters, who stormed the US capitol and tried to overthrow the government and put him in power.
The same way Hitler’s influenced change the German Workers Party replacing it with the Nazi Party, Trump’s influence changed the traditional Republican Party replacing it with the MAGA Republican Party, or the New Confederacy (KKK) or the Fourth Reich, as his supporters call it, but he himself referred to it as the United Reich.
Das Dritte Reich (Drittes Reich), The Third Reich, was the German state between 1933 and 1945, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party totally ran and controlled the country, thus transforming it into a fascist state and overall totalitarian dictatorship, led by Adolf Hitler, as a cult like government, propagandized and stablished on hate and white supremacy.
The Third Reich, literally means the "Third Realm" or "Third Empire", and hence refers to the Nazi claim that Nazi Germany was the successor of what they considered the height of “White Supremacy” which was the earlier Holy Roman Empire (800/962–1806) and German Empire (1871–1918).
Hence, the Third Reich, which the Nazis referred to as the Thousand-Year Reich, that they will rule for 1000 years. However, their “Reich” ended in May 1945, after only 12 years, when Germany was defeated by “allied forces” who entered the capital, Berlin, ending World War II in Europe.
The same elements that created WWII and the Ku Klux Klan are the elements that created MAGA and what it stands on.
MAGA is a result of the “NEW RECONSTRUCTION” that happened by the election of US President Barack H. Obama, and his policies.
The same as the end of slavery, and the first Reconstruction, lead to the reformation of the Confederacy as the KKK, and following laws influenced by them, including Black codes and ultimately Jim Crow.
Even since the fall of the US Confederacy (slavery) it has been the duty of racist whites to continue it, hence developing the KKK, and making sure they find a political party to push their white supremacist agenda.
Though it was the Democratic Party first, as the founders of the KKK and fighters for the continuity of the confederacy.
Lincoln was Republican, then after the Democrats capitulated to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., signing away the new CONFEDERACY (KKK) i.e. JIM CROW with the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964, VOTERS RIGHTS ACT OF 1965, and the HOUSING ACT OF 1968, President Johnson made it clear that they just lost south and the democratic party to the Republican Party.
In essence, the white racists abandoned the democratic party, and become Republicans under Nixon’s Southern Strategy (i.e. the NEW CONFEDERACY) which came with a proxy-war or codenamed war against Black people called the War On Drugs etc.
And the new forms of division. WWII came about because, the influences of the United States KKK (The Confederacy/Hidden Government/Hidden Empire) and US Eugenicist like Madison Grant who provided Adolf Hitler with the blueprint and bible of Nazism, his book The Passing of the Great Race, which Hitler referred to as his bible.
Thus, the book was the basis for Nazism, Hitler was also financed by US racists and eugenicist, like Prescott Bush whom through Browns Brothers Harriman financed Hitler and the Nazi Party. But it was the US KKK, Eugenics, US non-white anti-immigration laws, and the book of The Passing of the Great Race, that racialism, nationalized and radicalized Hitler resulting in WWII.
And today, as Trump’s government is a radicalization of all these same elements, we are embarking on WWIII i.e. “THE RACE WAR”.
The origins of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Ideology is rooted in US racism, race based pseudoscience (eugenics) and it’s anti-immigration policy against non-white immigrants as is with the Nazi’s Fourth Reich called “MAGA”.
The root behind Adolf Hitler’s hate, disdain and racism is the United States and its anti-immigration policy, Jim Crow, the confederacy, the enslavement of Black people, and the racist eugenicist or race based selective breeding adherents, like Madison Grant, who was a staunch racist, whose book inspired and was the blueprint for Adolf Hitler’s entire Nazi regime, its hate, ideology, targeting of immigrants, Jews, Black people and ethnic minorities, and the idea of exterminating Black people or the so-called mud races, for the advance of the so-called white super race, Aryan or Nordic.
According to experts and historians as reported in the Daily Beast (2017) in a report entitled The Loathsome American Book That Inspired Hitler, they state that;
In 1916, Madison Grant, a New York City conservationist and lawyer, published The Passing of the Great Race. It was an extension of popular eugenic theories first proposed by Francis Galton, a British scientist and half-cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton believed that selective breeding shouldn’t be limited to animals. He argued that if we could breed faster horses, we should be able to breed better people, too.
He claimed that traits like intelligence, loyalty, bravery, and honesty were also inherited.
In The Passing of the Great Race, Grant took Galton’s theories one step further. Using population movements, facial features, and pseudoscience, Grant argued that undesirable traits were passed not only from one family member to another, but within certain ethnic backgrounds and religious groups.
America, he argued, was committing “race suicide.” No longer were immigrants coming from “desirable” parts of northwestern Europe like the British Isles, Scandinavia, and Germany; they were coming from lesser countries in Southern and Eastern Europe. First published in the spring of 1916, The Passing of the Great Race was reprinted in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1930, 1932, and 1936, selling more than a million copies—arguably, one of the most popular scientific tracts in history.
In 1917—one year after Grant published his book—Congress passed a law banning “all idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded persons, epileptics, insane persons, [and] persons of constitutional psychopathic inferiority” from entering the U.S. During deliberations, one congressman read directly from The Passing of the Great Race.
As a consequence, about 1,500 immigrants a year were denied entrance. One ardent eugenicist wrote a letter to Grant urging him to build a Great Wall: “Can we build a wall high enough around this country so as to keep out these cheaper races; or will it be a feeble dam, leaving it to our descendants to abandon the country to blacks, browns, and yellows.”
As you can clearly read here MAGA (Trump’s) entre build a wall concept, is rooted in age old US racism, that birthed Hitler’s Nazism.
The Daily Beast report goes on to state that;
In 1921, Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act, which limited the number of immigrants to no more than 3 percent of the number of people originally from that country residing in America. In the year prior, some 800,000 immigrants entered the United States; the year after it was enacted, that number was reduced to 300,000.
In 1924, Congress passed the Immigration Restriction Act, which limited Africans and banned Arabs and Asians outright. After 1924, the number of immigrants permitted to enter the United States every year was cut to 20,000.
In 1929, Congress passed the National Origins Act, further restricting immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.
Because of these laws, more immigrants came into the United States in 1907 alone than during the entire next quarter-century.
Madison Grant was thrilled. “[This is] one of the greatest steps forward in the history of this country,” he said, according to Jonathan Peter Spiro’s book, Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant. “We have closed the doors just in time to prevent our Nordic population from being overrun by the lower races.”
The director of Ellis Island, the entry point for most European immigrants, commented that immigrants were starting to look more like Americans.
So as we can see, the US racism, the Nazism of Adolf Hitler is rooted in US hatred for non-white immigrants and Black people.
The Daily Beast report further states;
Ten years after The Passing of the Great Race was published, it was translated into German, the language in which a disgruntled corporal—recently imprisoned for his part in a riot in Bavaria—read it. After finishing it, he sent a letter to Madison Grant. “This book is my Bible,” he wrote. The soldier later included whole sections of Grant’s book in his own book, Mein Kampf. What Grant had called the Nordic race, Adolf Hitler called the Aryan race.
To say that The Passing of the Great Race had influenced Mein Kampf would be an understatement; in some sections, Hitler had virtually plagiarized Grant’s book. For example, in The Passing of the Great Race, Grant wrote, “It has taken us 50 years to learn that speaking English, wearing good clothes, and going to school and to church does not transform a Negro into a white man.” In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, “But it is a scarcely conceivable fallacy of thought to believe that a Negro or a Chinese, let us say, will turn into a German because he learns German and is willing to speak the German language.”
In 1936, three years after Adolf Hitler came to power, the Nazi party listed The Passing of the Great Race as essential reading. Grant’s “race suicide”—a fear that his Nordic race would be diluted out by “inferior” races—had become ethnic genocide. “National Socialism is nothing but applied biology,” said Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s deputy Führer. During the next decade, “race purity” would reach its hideous, illogical end.
Although neo-Nazis and white supremacists still laud The Passing of the Great Race in their literature and on their websites, the book has faded into darkness. Its lesson—that we are all members of one race, the human race—shouldn’t…(The Daily Beast, August 26, 2017, report entitled The Loathsome American Book That Inspired Hitler, retrieved from
So, as we can clearly at the heart of root of Nazism and racial extermination is anti-immigrationism.
Madison Grant (November 19, 1865 – May 30, 1937)
Madison Grant was a father of racism, anti-immigration laws, ethnic cleansing, and deportation, and immigrant restrictions of non-white ethnic and racial groups for the advancement of an all white population and overall white majority, and selective breeding for a master white race.
Grant, was from the United States, and in essence, was an American white supremacist eugenicist, and the father of the anti-immigration movement, particularly targeting people of color.
Grant was also a lawyer, zoologist, anthropologist, and a world renown writer known for his work as a conservationist, eugenicist, and advocate of scientific racism.
As a white supremacist eugenicist, he wrote the book The Passing of the Great Race (1916), which is one of the most famous racist texts in history, Grant and this book, played an active role in crafting immigration restriction and anti-miscegenation laws in the United States. Grant and this book, was also responsible for racially radicalizing Adolf Hitler and creating the Nazi doctrine, Hitler called this book his “bible”.
According to experts, historians and the US government, as citied by the US National Park Services (2025) entitled Madison Grant (U.S. National Park Service), they state that;
Madison Grant
Conservationist who advocated damaging theories of eugenics and scientific racism…
Madison Grant was a key figure in the history of the National Park Service who left behind a troubling legacy. He supported environmental conservation and worked to protect plant and animal species like redwood trees and the American bison.
While Grant is known for his contributions to wildlife protection, he is best remembered for his support of eugenics. His 1916 book The Passing of the Great Race spread racist ideas that Grant claimed were scientific.
Policymakers used the ideas of Grant and those who agreed with him to restrict immigration and to control people’s ability to have children. Any history of the National Park Service is incomplete without an accounting of Madison Grant’s influence….
Eugenics and Immigration Restriction
To solve this imagined "problem," Grant advocated for eugenics policies and immigration restriction. He supported forced sterilization, the surgical process of removing a person’s capacity to reproduce. He first focused on people with disabilities and those who had committed crimes. He suggested that “worthless race types” should also be sterilized.
In The Passing of the Great Race, he wrote:
"A rigid system of selection through the elimination of those who are weak or unfit—in other words social failures—would solve the whole question in one hundred years, as well as enable us to get rid of the undesirables who crowd our jails, hospitals, and insane asylums. The individual himself can be nourished, educated and protected by the community during his lifetime, but the state through sterilization must see to it that his line stops with him."
In the United States, state governments passed eugenics laws that resulted in thousands of people being permanently placed in institutions. These laws also authorized the sterilization of tens of thousands of people. Many of them were poor people of color.
Grant also advocated for immigration restrictions. He was vice president of the Immigration Restriction League and lobbied for the Immigration Act of 1924, which sharply reduced the number of immigrants allowed into the country and set quotas based on national origin. These quotas had their roots in wrongheaded scientific racism, including statistics provided by Grant….
Madison Grant was not alone in his beliefs about eugenics and hierarchy of races. He shared these ideas with other people who supported conservation and other social reforms. President Theodore Roosevelt, for example, supported sterilization of incarcerated individuals and people with cognitive disabilities.
Margaret Sanger, an advocate of birth control, expressed similar views about Black Americans and people she deemed “defective.” While we often celebrate these Americans for their contributions to social progress, we must also remember their troubling legacies…(National Park Services, 2025, Madison Grant, retrieved from
According to experts, researchers and historians as reported (2017) in the Daily Beast, in a report (about Madison Grant) entitled The Loathsome American Book That Inspired Hitler it states that;
Ten years after The Passing of the Great Race was published, it was translated into German, the language in which a disgruntled corporal—recently imprisoned for his part in a riot in Bavaria—read it. After finishing it, he sent a letter to Madison Grant. “This book is my Bible,” he wrote. The soldier later included whole sections of Grant’s book in his own book, Mein Kampf. What Grant had called the Nordic race, Adolf Hitler called the Aryan race.
To say that The Passing of the Great Race had influenced Mein Kampf would be an understatement; in some sections, Hitler had virtually plagiarized Grant’s book. For example, in The Passing of the Great Race, Grant wrote, “It has taken us 50 years to learn that speaking English, wearing good clothes, and going to school and to church does not transform a Negro into a white man.”
In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, “But it is a scarcely conceivable fallacy of thought to believe that a Negro or a Chinese, let us say, will turn into a German because he learns German and is willing to speak the German language…(The Daily Beast, August 26, 2017, report entitled The Loathsome American Book That Inspired Hitler, retrieved from”.
So, in essence, the US anti-immigration policy is rooted racism, eugenics, white nationalism and ethnic cleansing.
John Tanton the father of MAGA Anti-Immigration Ideology And A Modern Day Madison Grant
John Hamilton Tanton (February 23, 1934 – July 16, 2019) was a white American, ophthalmologist, racist, white nationalist, eugenicist, anti-immigration activist the father of modern anti-immigration laws.
Tanton in essence was a modern Madison Grant, Tanton, and the racist engineer of the modern anti-immigrant movement, creating a network of organizations to promote the agenda, which included the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and NumbersUSA – that profoundly shaped the immigration debate in the U.S.
Tanton, like Grant also believed in the environment, Tanton was a conservationist, most don’t know Hitler believed in Animal rights and abolished all zoos in Germany during his reign. Most of these racist types that believe in eugenics, have also been into environmentalism, conservationism and animal rights. Grant loved animals.
Tanton once stated that, "One of my prime concerns is about the decline of folks who look like you and me ... for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that."Tanton was also the founder and patron of many anti-immigration non-profit organizations, which included but is not limited to ProEnglish; he was chairman of U.S. English and ProEnglish.
However, as time would progress, his racist, anti-immigration views would be exposed, in 2019, when six John Tanton’s anti-immigrant groups were designated as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Tanton was also the the founder and the actual first chairman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which is a core anti-immigration organization, Tanton also co-founded the Center for Immigration Studies, which is an anti-immigration think tank; and also Numbers USA, which as an anti-immigration lobbying group.
Tanton was also President of Zero Population Growth from 1975 to 1977, and he was also the founder of The Social Contract Press, which published a quarterly journal of nativist and white nationalist writers called The Social Contract until the fall of 2019, Tanton also founded the pro-eugenics organization Society for Genetic Education.In his early life, Tanton tried to utilize liberal left-wing organizations focused on environmentalism, and family planning as a hub, however, he could fully get them onboard with his anti-immigration policy, which spoke more to conservatives and right wing groups.
Tanton, early on in his life, founded the Petoskey chapter of the Sierra Club, and he helped found the northern Michigan chapter of Planned Parenthood. However, he failed to secure support from leftist in groups such as Planned Parenthood and the Sierra Club to limit immigration, this led to him creating the non-profit Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in 1979, with early support from Warren Buffett and Eugene McCarthy, with the promise that it would be "centrist/liberal in political orientation."
However, it serves more of the anti-immigration rhetoric of the far right.FAIR was criticized for receiving funding from the eugenics based Pioneer Fund, a non-profit eugenics based foundation that details itself as devoted to "improving the character of the American people" via promoting the practice of eugenics, or selective breeding AKA racial hygiene. In the footsteps of Madison Grant and Adolf Hitler. Tanton, vividly expressed his racist views with friends and colleagues.
According to a letter, John Tanton wrote to ecology professor Garrett Hardin (1993), he stated that;
“I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that…(John Tanton, Dec. 10, 1993, letter to the late Garrett Hardin, a controversial ecology professor)”.
According to a letter John Tanton wrote to Roy Beck (1996), the executive director of NumbersUSA, Tanton said;“
I have no doubt that individual minority persons can assimilate to the culture necessary to run an advanced society but if through mass migration, the culture of the homeland is transplanted from Latin America to California, then my guess is we will see the same degree of success with governmental and social institutions that we have seen in Latin America…(John Tanton, January 26, 1996, letter to Roy Beck, executive director of NumbersUSA)”.
According to a letter John Tanton wrote to multimillionare eugenicst Robert K. Graham (1996), Tanton wrote that;“
Do we leave it to individuals to decide that they are the intelligent ones who should have more kids? And more troublesome, what about the less intelligent, who logically should have less? Who is going to break the bad news [to less intelligent individuals], and how will it be implemented?...(John Tanton, September 18, 1996, letter to now-deceased California multimillionaire and eugenicist Robert K. Graham)”.
According to experts and historians as reported (2017) in Northern Express, in a report entitled A Tale of Two Legacies - Some People Call John Tanton a Hero. Others Think He’s a Racist, it states that;
Petoskey resident John Tanton represents different things to different people. In his hometown, he’s a celebrated conservationist, a co-founder of the Little Traverse Conservancy who has spent his life dedicated to environmental causes.
Case in point, he his wife Mary Lou made a contribution last year to preserve 236 acres of rolling hardwoods. Around the country, the now-retired ophthalmologist is considered the father of the kind of hardline immigration policy that helped sweep Donald Trump into office, a legacy that’s made him a hero to some and branded him a racist to others. Tanton is a complicated man.
For him, a commitment to the environment and his stringent, once-fringe beliefs on immigration serve the same end — his belief that nature should be preserved and population should be controlled. CONSERVATION AND IMMIGRATION Tanton, 82, suffers from Parkinson’s disease and is no longer involved in the immigration movement he created. He gave his last interview on immigration a decade ago.
That doesn’t mean he’s not still active. In the most recent Little Traverse Conservancy newsletter, an article about the Tanton Family Working Forest Reserve — a property formerly known as Christmas Mountain he helped purchase for preservation — describes him visiting the tract in August and noticing the need for a management plan for the dead and dying beech and ash trees.
The article, written by former Petoskey News-Review reporter Tamara Stevens, opens with this sentence: “Emmet County would not look the way it does today if Dr. John and Mary Lou Tanton had not moved to Petoskey in 1964.”
Here is a different take on Tanton, from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) website: “John Tanton is the racist architect of the modern anti-immigrant movement. He created a network of organizations — the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and NumbersUSA — that have profoundly shaped the immigration debate in the United States…(Northern Express, January 21, 2017, report entitled A Tale of Two Legacies - Some People Call John Tanton a Hero. Others Think He’s a Racist, retrieved from )”.
So in essence MAGA has its origins in the racism that founded Hitler, eugenics and the desire to decrease the human population.
John Tanton Topic 21: Immigration "myth"
For years I spoke about a WWIII or a “RACE WAR” threat coming with and after the election of President Obama, which was looked at as an “abomination” to the highest place and office of the land, the US presidency and the WHITE HOUSE, they don’t call it white just because of the color of the building lol.
But what makes MAGA so dangerous is its not just a “Fourth Reich” as it has been suggested to come as, but it is as Trump described it as, the “UNITED REICH”.
What exactly is the UNITED REICH:
I. The White Supremacist organizations
(united; and united with MAGA)
i.e. The Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, White Nationalist Anti-Immigration, Anti-Government, Anti-Gay, Anti-Feminist, Anti-Muslim, Anti-Community, “Christian Identity”, “Christian Nationalist” etc., ( and in essence this combined with Tea Party Patriots+Birthers+Alt-Right=MAGA).
II. US Law Enforcement (united with MAGA)
i.e. Back The Blue, Blue Lives Matter, Good Ol’ Boy Roundup and other facets of US police, law enforcement, intelligence and investigation agencies, ICE/CBP/DHS and the US National Guard and US military
III. The Presidency and all branches of government (as MAGA's government)
i.e. Trump is the president, and MAGA is the majority in the senate, congress and in the courts; in essence MAGA controls the Executive, Legislative and Judicial.
IV. The White Elites the 1% percent
This class was always hated by the far right, now they are embraced.
In essence the richest man in the world Elon Musk is MAGA’s money man
It took Adolf Hitler 53 days to destroy a democracy and rewrite their constitution, within one week, Trump sent the US back to the 1950s-60s, and is aiming to return it to the days of slavery and the confederacy. Thus, being indoctrinated as "Economic White Nationalism".
Drones, Cyborgs, Nanotech and AI
For years I warned of Hi-Tech Warfare against Black people in America, and now Elon Musk is promising to bring about a 1 million robot army called Ominous by 2026. Ultimately transumanism is a "higher form" of racism, and eugenics.
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